Sunday, March 31, 2013

Yours, Mine, and OURS


Easter Weekend

The boys getting the Caddy ready for the car show. 

Getting ready to go hunt eggs.

My little loves! 

Caddy Shining 

Waiting for the siren. 

Not to sure about it all...

He waited a long time to go get eggs. Daddy Q got on his knees and went in with him. Then he had a ball.


The bunny has come. This was the first Easter morning I didn't wake up with either of my kids. 

Grandma came out for Sunday Easter Lunch.

I LOVE how much room our kitchen has.

The girls.

4 Generations

Q and a sliver of his family.

Hunting eggs.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Little Bean

Our first ultrasound 3/25. I was measuring 8 weeks 6 days. Due date, October 30th. My placenta is really low and the area around my umblical cord has not completely closed, but Dr Lunt thinks these things will sort out on their own.


Last Sunday we met our family for breakfast at Golden Corral. This was followed by church and appetizers at Chilis. What a GREAT day and beautiful ride!