Wednesday, January 4, 2012

School Bound

So it is day 3 of no work.... and it's killing me. I am trying to stay positive and optimistic. I am trying to keep my head above water and continue looking for a job, but it's hard. I am still searching and looking. Cardiology was a  glove for my hand. It just fit perfect.
I thought about learning a new trade everyday until I find something new. Yesterday I attempted to make cinnamon rolls and failed miserably. I thought I would learn to bake today. After looking at my cinnamon rolls again this morning before discarding them into the wastebasket, I realized that it could take me a lot longer than a day to learn to bake. SO..... I packed instead.
I am taking Q's advice and taking advantage of this opportunity to pack up the condo. I also got registered for school! I am stoked for that to start. February 1st I start my classes through Kaplan University. It's now or never!

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