Tuesday, March 17, 2015

SoCal Spring Break Part Two

Newport Beach

He wanted to go straight to the water.

Itty and Dad

It was pretty chilly.

My boys.

Macomber Feets

So nice to be in the sun.

Itty was obsessed....

In all the years I have gone to Newport, this was the first I ever saw a pelican.

He loved the sand. He rolled in it, ate it, played with it.... he was in heaven.

Becks found a ladybug. He was so proud.

Sissy built, Itty destroyed. 

Jim n Q

Family isn't always blood... it's loyalty. We love Jim n Timi

So many memories.

Seeing the sealions out playing was awesome since we didn't get to see them at seaworld. 
Their teams were out doing rescues. 

More water fun at Jim and Timi's pool.

SeaWorld 50th Anniversary 

Shark petting

So awesome.

Itty hated the shows. We went and walked during the dolphin show. He passed right out. 

The first place we went....  Itty loved to see the animals through the glass.

Macomber - Legg Family do SeaWorld

Whale Watching

Itty loved watching the whales.

He wasn't too fond of Elmo and Abby

The boys loved riding the flying fish.

Becks was super excited to meet Elmo and Abby. 


SoCal Spring Break Part One

I put all my phone pics on this post, all my camera pics will be on the next post.


They love playing games with Grandma Jo. 

SeaWord Shananagins

Watchin' the Pet's Rule show. 

Shamu cookie goodness.

This babe is happy if he is stuffing his face.

One of my favorite places.

My other favorite place.... sharks.

The turtles that have been rescued.

He loved holding the starfish.

The rapid ride. 

Becks and Moosey got the worst of it.


Itty and Becks had a blast in the Sesame Street play area.

Moosey and the Walker

By the end Itty was spent. He just wanted to go to sleep.

Reading books.

Grubbin' at Hodads


My minions.

A must stop, stop.


Real mall shopping, they had a sale on my husband.

And real rides....

And cookies....

I bought a few cookies while we were on vacation. 

Itty loved the play room.

Catching up.

He thinks he is so big.

We wore them out.