Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

What a spring we have had already. We have done so many fun things as a family. We have also been to instacare and the ER too many times to count. I think as of now everyone is on the mend and we are looking forward to a fast month so that we can take off on our first Macomber Legg family vacation!

I am very lucky that all of the kids love books. Jaxan got an A card from school so we went to Applebees to celebrate. I don't have any pics of Sky reading because she has been so sick lately she has slept or watched TV. She has not felt like doing much of anything.

Our newest project "Q's Man Cave". We are building a shed in the back yard so that he has a place to hide out. He has been very excited about this project. I am just super lucky he is letting me help him work on it. He even bought me an "us" drill. It's little and doesn't take a battery. I don't think he realizes the damage I could do. Then again maybe he does, before he leaves the house he always tells me not to nail or screw anything while he is gone.

We had a very fun birthday BBQ with Q's mom and grandma for his mom's birthday. I love when he BBQ's.

It has been beautiful weather. We took a ride out on the bike one weekend. It was amazing. I love the freedom you feel from the open road.

The kids have loved playing outside when they haven't been sick.

Even in the rain and snow we took the bike to the air show last weekend. It was freezing but we had so much fun. I love that we can do stupid silly things and laugh about them.

These little naughtys are the cherry on top of our sundae we call a family!

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