Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1 year Anniversary Vegas Style

The 3rd of September Q and I celebrated our 1 year mark! We decided to go to Vegas. We had toyed with the idea of going to Zion, Park City, California, and ended up in Vegas. Our wonderful friends Dom and Sharon were able to go down with us. Dom's birthday was on Sunday. We went down Friday night and hung out on Fremont Street. We stayed at the Fremont street hotel and they stayed at the Golden Nugget. We went to dinner at a little bar that was offering $3 drafts - yes my diet coke was the same price as their draft beer.... and 1/2 price on all appetizers. 

We hung out downtown and listened to the music and just enjoyed people watching. The company was fantastic. We gambled a little bit. Since Q and I had been up at 4:30 with Little Man, we were beat. Chris and Jamie came and met up with all of us and I was ready for bed. We went up to our hotel room and I crashed out. Q went down and gambled a little bit and he was up early and went down and got coffee and gambled a little more. Chris, Jamie and Sharon played until 3 in the moring. They party like rock stars! 

Saturday morning Q and I got up and went and waked around Fremont Street. It was so dead. Everything was closed and the only remains that anything had happend the night before were the people strung out and drunk walking around or sleeping in corners.
I felt really sad for them that they had let their lives get to that point. No one can actually like living that way, can they?
We went to the Gold Spike for breakfast - cheap and yummy! Then we decided to try and find the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop from Pawn Stars on TV. Since it was 7 city blocks away, we went and got our bikes. While Dom and Sharon were getting their keys in their room we went and checked out the pool. 
Shark tank with a tube slide going through it.

Lounge chairs that sit in the water.

The pool was for sure on our to do list when we got back to the hotel. We headed off to expolre Vegas... first stop Pawn Stars - Gold and Silver Pawn.

After Gold and Silver Pawn my camera taking took a break. We ended up going to Las Vegas Harley Davidson and to 7 11 so I could get a slurpee. YAY! When we got back to the hotel it was freaking HOT. We decided to go out to the pool and chill for a while. After that we decided not to ride to the Pioneer Saloon due to the heat. We went to Hogs and Heffiers instead. It was a fun little raunchy biker bar. I loved it.

We decided to go back to the same place we had dinner the night before. The prices were cheap and we had had a great time.


After dinner we went down to see Dee Snyder from Twisted Sister. Q and I freaked out because there were so many people and it was hard to breathe. We went in a gambled a little bit and then went up to bed. Sharon and Dom did the same thing. Man, what happened to the days when mosh pits were awesome and you wanted to be surrounded by people screaming lyrics to your favorite songs? I must be getting old.

The next morning we went to breakfast brunch in our hotel and then we hit the road before it got too hot. It was a fabulous weekend and we had a great time with great friends. 

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