Tuesday, December 24, 2013

2 months

This tiny squishy human is 2 months. He's 2 ounces from 13 pounds and he is 23 inches long. He is super healthy, loves his mama, smiles a lot, loves to talk, and sleeps and eats like a champ.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow Snow Snow

The last picture reminds me of Rigby, Idaho. It was a little Christmas Village. I am so glad I have a picture of St George covered in snow. Saturday it snowed all day and night. We ended up with over 8 inches of snow. It was beautiful . The highways were closed, the city shut down, it was just incredible. We still have quite a bit of snow on the ground. The temperatures have been below freezing and aren't supposed to get above freezing until Thursday or Friday. 

Snow Day

On the 7th of December we had a beautiful snowy day. It was awesome. Becks went out and played in the snow. That night we made  attempted to make, gingerbread houses. It was an epic fail. The snow was beautiful.... little did we know we were in store for a whole lot more. 

Itchy Itchy 6 weeks out

So just before my 6 week check up, I broke out in this awful rash that got worse and worse. It was horrible and nothing was making it go away. I tried creams and allergy medications. Finally Q's cousin gave me a link about PUPPPS - I figured that is what it was after I read the article. I went to my 6 week appointment and Lisa thought the same thing. I couldn't get the steroid cream and I didn't really want it because of breast feeding. Q and I went to the Dickens Festival and I talked to the doTerra lady there. She suggested balance and lavender. I had thought about using meleluca. Well I was right and she was wrong. The lavender and balance didn't work well for me, but the meleluca did and I was so glad. Everything with the c-section was perfect and looked great. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

One Month

At one month he is the cutest little fatty. He feeds so well and sometimes even has formula on top of nursing. There have been a few times he's nursed and then had 8oz of formula before bed. He pushes himself with his feet and can push up on his arms. Axel got a little body rash but it didn't seem to be bothering him. He loves his binkies and is not particular to any one kind. If he can suck on it, he likes it. He's sleeping in his swing because he hates sleeping on his back or in the boppy. He smiles and coos quite often, and I love it. He is no longer in newborn clothes. He hasn't lost any of his hair - YAY! I hope he won't either. He is a sweet, easy, loving baby. We are so lucky he is ours. 



October 23rd this little handsome came into our lives. He has held his head up on his own since the day he was born. He is a fantastic eater and had no problems nursing. We got his name, Christopher Axel, from Q's brother Chris that passed away. He was born on October 19th. Axel  poops a ton, loves his binkie, sleeps a ton (only wakes up twice in the night) and loves to cuddle. When he was a week old I got a call from the doctor that one of the tests on his newborn screening came back positive. Gave me a good day of crying and a few days of worry. Axel and I both had to go in for blood work and urine tests. A week later we got a call that all was clear and both our tests came back normal. At his one week check up he was over his birth weight at 8 lbs 5 oz. At his 2 week appointment he had gained one pound and two inches. We are so blessed to have him in our family.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Just got a call from the Dr's office. The test results came back NEGATIVE. Baby is healthy and good. So very very thankful.