Monday, December 9, 2013

Itchy Itchy 6 weeks out

So just before my 6 week check up, I broke out in this awful rash that got worse and worse. It was horrible and nothing was making it go away. I tried creams and allergy medications. Finally Q's cousin gave me a link about PUPPPS - I figured that is what it was after I read the article. I went to my 6 week appointment and Lisa thought the same thing. I couldn't get the steroid cream and I didn't really want it because of breast feeding. Q and I went to the Dickens Festival and I talked to the doTerra lady there. She suggested balance and lavender. I had thought about using meleluca. Well I was right and she was wrong. The lavender and balance didn't work well for me, but the meleluca did and I was so glad. Everything with the c-section was perfect and looked great. 

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