Wednesday, December 4, 2013


October 23rd this little handsome came into our lives. He has held his head up on his own since the day he was born. He is a fantastic eater and had no problems nursing. We got his name, Christopher Axel, from Q's brother Chris that passed away. He was born on October 19th. Axel  poops a ton, loves his binkie, sleeps a ton (only wakes up twice in the night) and loves to cuddle. When he was a week old I got a call from the doctor that one of the tests on his newborn screening came back positive. Gave me a good day of crying and a few days of worry. Axel and I both had to go in for blood work and urine tests. A week later we got a call that all was clear and both our tests came back normal. At his one week check up he was over his birth weight at 8 lbs 5 oz. At his 2 week appointment he had gained one pound and two inches. We are so blessed to have him in our family.

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