Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Newtown CT Show

As if there wasn't enough chaos going on, I went and decided to have a show at Jazzy Java. Leave it to me, right. When Mika posted her song and said that music was helping her heal from the tragic slaughtering at Sandy Hook Elementary, I thought - that's what we all need. I got in touch with Reid and one thing led to another and the show was scheduled.

Mikalene performed and then Robots Guide to Living, Josh Larsen, and 5 Seasons. It was a packed house.

Needless to say it was a huge success and we raised $420.00. Half a world away and 3 time zones, and it hit us hard and we did something to show we care. Can't wait to send the check to them. Thank you to EVERYONE involved!


Beckham Is 3

I can hardly believe my little man is THREE!

We went to McDonalds because he loves "donalds". When he opened his presents from my mom and Lyn he said "no way". He loved "buzz light". 

With all the craziness my mom asked if I wanted her to make cupcakes or a cake or something. I gladly said yes. I felt guilty but not to much. She made these rubber and sweet airy angel food chewy cupcakes. It's the thought that counts!

Tonight as I tucked him into bed with his Woody and Buzz Light and wrapped him in his momo mankey, I thought how my little baby isn't such a little baby any more. He is getting so big. He is such a little person. He has his own opinion. He questions things and wants to learn. He is doing so well potty training. He is moody and stubborn and everything that I remember my Aunt Fernie telling me about my Daddy. I love that he is that simple reminder that my dad is with me all the time. I see my grandma and my mom in Jaxi and my dad in Beckham. I love it. These beautiful kids are the legacy of my family. My legacy. I love them so much and I am so lucky I get to be there mom.


New Year

I can't believe January is almost over already. It has been a CrAzY year already. The end of December Q's uncle took an ugly fall in Las Vegas. We went down to visit him and then we took on his dog for 2 weeks while he was in ICU. He had broken his collar bone, scapula, all the ribs on his left side and his illiac bone. This dog was not just any dog. Hito is a great dane bull mastiff mix. WOAH! That is a lot of dog, and he was 100% puppy. Our pitties were so scared of him. We had to keep them in the house and separated which was a lot of work. Q's dad came up to see Uncle Mac and Q met him in Vegas to take the dog back to Sutan. Well.... that weekend we ended up taking over his care. He came back with Q on Tuesday and by the nextFriday he was back in the hospital. He retracted so much. Come to find out he had a bleeding ulcer. He had lost half his blood. He would go grey every time he would stand up, his eyes would roll back in his head and he would start to shake and you couldn't make sense of what he was saying. We thought it was the anxiety or alcohol withdraw. He had not eaten for about 3 days and I finally told Q and Papa Ron they needed to take him in to the ER. Uncle Mac felt so lousy like he couldn't even stand up. He was weak and asked them to call the ambulance. I waited in the waiting room as they would only allow two people back there. I'm not blood so I let the boys go. They did a ton of blood work and come to find out his blood count was only 20. It should be 40. They hooked him up and gave him 5 units of blood. They scoped him and found an ulcer that had been bleeding. The next day I went to see him before work and he was doing GREAT. Like he was a whole new person. He was walking and talking and reading and EATING. He was hungry and had ordered breakfast. I was so excited for that. He said that Dr Bown was going to treat him by protonix and diet. No surgery, good sign. They wanted to keep him for a few days to monitor his blood count and keep him on the IV protonix. So Q and Papa Ron decided to go down to Sandy Valley to clean out his place. We didn't want him to have to pay another month of rent on it. I met them down there Friday afternoon. We cleaned and packed and worked. I couldn't believe that man lived in that place. I wouldn't have let anyone I knew live like that - even my worst enemies. Seriously it was horrible. There was mold and dust and my asthma kicked in a few times. It was pretty bad. It rained and rained and rained. Lucky for us we had the yard sale in the house and in the storage trailer. By 2 the next afternoon the uhaul was packed and we were hitting the road to go back to Utah. I picked up Uncle Mac and brought him home. He was doing so well. We arranged things so the girls are in the same room and Mac has his own room. He loves it. We decorated it and unpacked his things. We are so glad he is here and getting better. We couldn't have done it without Ron's help though. He spent 4 weeks with us and Mac. We had a great time bonding and the kids had so much fun with him. He left to go back today. We miss him so much already. Mac is on the road to recovery and things are looking up for him. He is sitting in his chair and reading and he is happy to be with those that love him and care about him.


Sunday, January 6, 2013


Well as I previously posted, I have a goal to finish one book every month. I just finished The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks. It's a great read. I love having a nook. It makes it so much easier. I'm not sure why, but it does. I just started reading Skinny. Off on my next adventure!

Ear Shorts

So for Christmas I wanted to get Q a snake. I ordered a Red Tailed Boa from Petco, when it came in I found out it was $179 dollars. Yikes!!! I said no thanks. So he found two Kenyan snakes for WAY cheaper. We now have Willie G and Ear Shorts. Just keep adding to the zoo. Also, a week ago Q's uncle fell in Vegas. He was in I C U for 5 days and is still in the hospital. Q drive down last week and picked up his uncles dog. We a currently tending a year old bull mastiff Great Dane mix. He is 160 pounds of pure puppy. Our dogs and cats are terrified of him. I'm sure it's the equivalent of an elephant jumping licking and wanting to play with us. We are making it work the best we can. I am seriously considering making a sign that says "welcome to our zoo, Benadryl welcome".

Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Years Resolution

My resolutions for this year.
Loose 25 lbs
Read 1 book per month
Date night a month with Q
1 bike ride a month
Learn to work on my own bike
Get married in Hawaii
Disneyland in October
Buy a nice guitar
Perform at open mic and do one origins
Get a concealed weapon permit
Buy a gun

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas 2012


Christmas Eve

Making the ruffley scarves. Moosey didn't get it.

Mom made chili and it was ummy.

Sky loved crocheting.

Think they are related?

Her is funny funny.

I love my seester!

Mom is cute with her hairbow and scarf.



Pine Valley
