Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Beckham Is 3

I can hardly believe my little man is THREE!

We went to McDonalds because he loves "donalds". When he opened his presents from my mom and Lyn he said "no way". He loved "buzz light". 

With all the craziness my mom asked if I wanted her to make cupcakes or a cake or something. I gladly said yes. I felt guilty but not to much. She made these rubber and sweet airy angel food chewy cupcakes. It's the thought that counts!

Tonight as I tucked him into bed with his Woody and Buzz Light and wrapped him in his momo mankey, I thought how my little baby isn't such a little baby any more. He is getting so big. He is such a little person. He has his own opinion. He questions things and wants to learn. He is doing so well potty training. He is moody and stubborn and everything that I remember my Aunt Fernie telling me about my Daddy. I love that he is that simple reminder that my dad is with me all the time. I see my grandma and my mom in Jaxi and my dad in Beckham. I love it. These beautiful kids are the legacy of my family. My legacy. I love them so much and I am so lucky I get to be there mom.


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