Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Third Trimester

Whew this pregnancy has gone by fast. I hope these next 10 weeks go by super fast too. Seriously my back and ribs hurt so bad. I notice it most after I eat ANYTHING. It is one specific area and it gets so sore sometimes that I have to have Q push on my back to relieve the pain. Baby is super active too. It seems like ALL the time he is moving. I know it's not really all the time, but it seems like it. I have been really really tired and I am not sure if that if from not sleeping well, being too hot, or waking up WAY to early in the morning. Only about 10 weeks to go.... let the countdown begin!


Friday, July 26, 2013

Holy Rain!

Nothing like a summer rain storm!


Swimming Lessons 2013

My mom signed up the kids for swimming lessons through Dixie State University. I was nervous about Jaxan's ears. I didn't want her crying about them and needing her wax and her swimming cap like last year. She has gone all summer without anything in her ears when she swims so I was hoping she would still be able to. I was scared that Becks would hate being there with other kids and a teacher he didn't know. Well both kids fooled me. They LOVED swimming lessons. Jaxan is jumping off the diving board without hesitation and Becks is telling his teacher not to help him. One morning on the way in, Becks said, "MOM! My froaties!" Which meant my floaties. I told him he didn't need them for swimming lessons. He said "ha ha oh yeah". He has come so far from where he was when he was a baby and hated water. 


Sunday, July 21, 2013

29 Again! Happy Birthday Mom

I remember my mom telling us for years that she was 29 again when her birthday would roll around. This year we took her to and Lyn out to.Casa De Amigos. The kids all made her cards. Love my mom and I would be a huge mess without her. She has taught me so much. I know when I was younger I thought the knew nothing. As I get older I find myself asking.... Now how did mom do that? Love you Mudder.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Summer Fun

Rainy Days

Meet Patch Morrison.... the coolest turtle.

While the boys were in California we played!

The boys making the best of it. Venice Beach, rough life.

Casablanca music time

Ann, Gregg, Jenny, and Kenny came down to visit on the way to their cruise.

We LOVE snowies.

The boys on the way back from Cali. We all met up in Mesquite. 

MMMMMMMM Milkshakes

Dom and Sharon's pool - yeah lots of time spent there. 

Movie nights....

Thumb wars..... at Roadhouse

Starting on Christmas presents.

WAY too hot

Baby wanting to help dad with chores.

More rain.... we sure needed it. 

Play time with dad.

Camping trips

Snuggle time.... my favorite!



Q and I sold our trailer that we haven't used.... ever. We bought one that is tiny and only sleeps two. I wanted to redo it. I think it turned out SO cute. We were super excited to fix it up and get it all put together.
