Friday, July 26, 2013

Swimming Lessons 2013

My mom signed up the kids for swimming lessons through Dixie State University. I was nervous about Jaxan's ears. I didn't want her crying about them and needing her wax and her swimming cap like last year. She has gone all summer without anything in her ears when she swims so I was hoping she would still be able to. I was scared that Becks would hate being there with other kids and a teacher he didn't know. Well both kids fooled me. They LOVED swimming lessons. Jaxan is jumping off the diving board without hesitation and Becks is telling his teacher not to help him. One morning on the way in, Becks said, "MOM! My froaties!" Which meant my floaties. I told him he didn't need them for swimming lessons. He said "ha ha oh yeah". He has come so far from where he was when he was a baby and hated water. 


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