Sunday, July 7, 2013

4th of July weekend

With it being right at 115 degrees, we decided to skip out on the parade and in town activities for the 4th. It was over 90 at 7:30 AM. We went to the store and made food and just hung out in the morning until it was time to go to Dom and Sharon's. We went over for a BBQ and swimming. 

With it being so hot, the kids didn't want to leave the pool. 

After a little while, Beckham got the hang of floaties. He hated it at first, but by the end of the day he was having a blast. This was after he fell in the pool TWICE without having floaties on. Thank goodness Dad was in the pool and paying attention. He said Becks kinda swam over to him both times. The second time he was a little more shaken up. From then on, the floaties stayed on, in the water or not. 

As always, Baby Chloe was a hit. Q even got cuddle time this time. She was so cute and fun. Jamie had to run some errands so we all were on Chloe duty. Beckham said "I want to pet her" I thought that was too funny. Then he said, "she likes when I pet her." He helped feed her and he held her. He is going to be such an awesome big brother. 

After the pool party and BBQ we met my mom and Lyn for dinner. Kids ate free at Applebees. We didn't want to go into town, and thankfully they didn't either. After dinner, Sky went to the park with her mom, and we went home and put the kids to bed. We were able to watch the Hurricane fireworks from our back porch. That was awesome. Just me and Q!

We look WORE out!

Mac went to the BBQ with us. That was a lot of fun and I am glad he decided to go. 

Friday, Sharon and I ran errands. We went to lunch and JoAnn's and checked on things for the club. Then we met Q and Skyler back at Sharon's. We went swimming - again. No complaints from any of us! 

Jaxi showing me a handstand.

Watching Peter Pan after a long day of playing. 

We came home and put the kids to bed. Then Q and I watched Hangover 3.

Saturday we went to dinner with Dom and Sharon to Texas Roadhouse. Not sure what the deal is, but we always end up having bad luck when we go there. The management always makes up for it. We got free appetizers again....

I started working on Christmas projects and baby projects - and we watched the huger games. 

Another scorcher. 

Sunday we sold our trailer. It was too big and we didn't want to work on it. We didn't need something so big. I have really been wanting something little. So, we got rid of the big and got a little. This little thing is going to be so much fun. We have reservations in Bryce for this next weekend. 

We also got RAIN! Finally. It cooled things off for about an hour, then it just got hot and humid. We sure enjoyed it while it lasted. 

This little thing says it all.

This is going to be such a fun project!

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