Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Like Father Like Son

Q and Terry were out working on Terry's trailer. Becks decided he needed to work on his toys too. 

Surprise Shower

Sharon asked me a week ago if I would go with her on Saturday to get a mani and pedi done. I dreaded it every single day. I hate those things. I told Q I would go for her. She showed up at the H.A.R.T. event  and Q threw me under the bus saying I didn't want to go. Then he kept telling me what I was going to do and who was taking me where. Needless to say.... I got pissed. I told him I was going home and not going with Sharon. He told me there was no mani pedi and that they had planned a surprise baby shower for me.  Then I felt bad. I just hate being bossed around and not being able to choose what I am going to do. It was hard having the kids too. 

I made it to the shower and we all had a great time. I felt so loved with so many couples there to support us in our baby journey. I have the most amazing friends!

Mom played the safety pin game....

Then there was draw the baby while the plate is on your head. Most of them looked like potatoes. 

Almost 30 weeks! 


We had been fostering Page for about a week when H.A.R.T. had an event at PetSmart. We took Page in hopes she might find her forever family. That poor girl had been through a lot. She had found a family to adopt her in December. They have kept her on a chain ever since. She managed to escape 3 times. This last time Lorraine kept her. Because Page is a little hard of hearing, Lorraine's pitty's didn't much care for her and kinda picked on her. So, we took her in. She got along with our pups very well. While at the event we found a lady that wanted to take her home and try her with her great dane. She had been fostering Molly, but said that Molly was too chill for her dog and wouldn't play with him. So Q decided we would trade her Page for Molly. I am always nervous bringing a new dog around our dogs, but I left it up to him. 

I don't want Molly to leave our home. I know I am going to bawl. I love her and she is the most amazing dog. Doug and Suzy really want her for their family. If it doesn't work I have insisted she come back to be with us. She doesn't lick or jump. She is just amazing with Baka and Boston. She is a lover and snuggler. The lady that took Page does not want her. We might end up with her back, unless we could find another foster. Cathy doesn't want us to have two fosters, Lorraine doesn't mind. We just don't want her going to a home that doesn't understand her. 

Week 3 being home

Dad took Becks and Sabaka swimming while the girls were in school. 

At back to school night we saw this. We had to giggle at that silly girl. 

Becks loves card games and asks "is this your card" about ten times a day.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Day of Second Grade

Jaxi started second grade today. I am still wondering where the time has gone. She was excited to start at a new school. We will miss Sandstone as they have been a GREAT school for the last 2 years. Lucky for us Three Falls is the same layout so it's easy for her to navigate. 

There were cows in the field next to the school. Jax saw them and said, "this is the best school ever". She's such a country girl. 

I did not dress Beckham. He, obviously, dressed himself. Of course I couldn't get pictures of Sissy without him being a part of the big day. He loved walking her to school, but when she went into her class he was wondering where she was. I think he missed her today. 

We did lots of yard work today, and then took some time to play in the sprinklers and on the tramp. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

29 Weeks

Saturday the babies got home after 10 days in Idaho. They were missed so much!

I think they missed us too!

They wanted to go swimming right away! Q was trying to see if Sabaka would get in on his own. That didn't work so well. 

We've had some problems with this little one since he has been home. He has been out of routine for a little bit too long. Yesterday he decided he was going to cut up some peaches on his own. Ended up cutting up his finger instead. Thank goodness no stitches were required. Just a Toy Story bandaid. It was just the beginning of a very rough day for him. 

I am not sure what my mom and I were thinking taking all 3 kids back to school shopping. My mom wanted to get each of the girls an outfit for starting school. Becks was less than cooperative. Thank goodness for spare change and sissy being willing to hang out with him while Grammy to Skyler shopping. 

By the time we met Q for lunch, Becks was done with everything under the sun. He had a couple major meltdowns and had been spanked and cuddled. Nothing was working with this kid. Needless to say he fell asleep on the way home. As soon as the car stopped he jerked forward and said "mom I not tired". I had to laugh at that one. He took a 3 hour nap without a fight. 

Freddy's is not gallbladder approved. Oh my land it tasted so good, but boy was I in pain. Back on the band wagon today. Drowning my sorrows and stresses in greasy fries and a steakburger was not the smartest idea I ever had. I am okay as long as I follow my diet. 10 more weeks.... 10 more weeks!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

GB Diet

So today I stuck to the gallbladder diet to a t. Breakfast was whole wheat bread and jelly (homemade by my mom). Lunch steamed mushrooms. Snack 8 wheat this and some cheese. Dinner a tomato and 2tbsp of hamburger helper. Needless to say - I AM STARVING. But... I am not in pain. So, bitterly sweet, I know its my gallbladder causing the problems.

28 Weeks

I went to the doctor yesterday and my 3 hour glucose test looked great. I measured 29 weeks. Haven't gained any weight in the last month. I asked Lisa about the pain in my rib area radiating through my middle and into my back. Its the same spot everyday. She has reason to think its my gallbladder. I am starting a strict no fat no grease diet today. That should let me know if it is or not. Yesterday I was in pain from noon on. This morning I had a piece if whole wheat bread with jelly on it. So far so good.

The kids Will be home early Saturday morning. I can't wait. Here are some pictures of them in Idaho having a great time.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

28 Weeks

Wednesday I went and got blood work done. I had to do an hour glucose as well as just the normal labs. Well, I got a call on Thursday that my labs came back and I had failed the glucose test and I am anemic. I had to start on an iron pill and then go do a 3 hour glucose. So Friday morning I went to Hurricane instacare and was there 4 hours. I hated it. I got sick and tired and just felt so crappy after the 3 hour test. I went home and slept. It was nice not having to worry about the kiddos and just being able to sleep as long as I needed to. My body needed a recharge. I go to the doctor on Wednesday and will get my results then.


Idaho Bound

My babies are in Idaho for a week. They left last Thursday and will be up there until Saturday or Sunday. They are having a great time and I am so glad for that. They went to the Moss family reunion and then will spend the week with their Dad and Stephanie. Our house is a little too quiet but I am enjoying the bit of a break. 


Too many peaches.... not enough time....

Swimming Lessons!

The kids had a great time at swimming lessons. I felt like Beckham was held back a little bit as he can do so much more than his teacher was pushing him to do. Over all it was a great success and they are on to the next levels next summer.