Tuesday, August 13, 2013

29 Weeks

Saturday the babies got home after 10 days in Idaho. They were missed so much!

I think they missed us too!

They wanted to go swimming right away! Q was trying to see if Sabaka would get in on his own. That didn't work so well. 

We've had some problems with this little one since he has been home. He has been out of routine for a little bit too long. Yesterday he decided he was going to cut up some peaches on his own. Ended up cutting up his finger instead. Thank goodness no stitches were required. Just a Toy Story bandaid. It was just the beginning of a very rough day for him. 

I am not sure what my mom and I were thinking taking all 3 kids back to school shopping. My mom wanted to get each of the girls an outfit for starting school. Becks was less than cooperative. Thank goodness for spare change and sissy being willing to hang out with him while Grammy to Skyler shopping. 

By the time we met Q for lunch, Becks was done with everything under the sun. He had a couple major meltdowns and had been spanked and cuddled. Nothing was working with this kid. Needless to say he fell asleep on the way home. As soon as the car stopped he jerked forward and said "mom I not tired". I had to laugh at that one. He took a 3 hour nap without a fight. 

Freddy's is not gallbladder approved. Oh my land it tasted so good, but boy was I in pain. Back on the band wagon today. Drowning my sorrows and stresses in greasy fries and a steakburger was not the smartest idea I ever had. I am okay as long as I follow my diet. 10 more weeks.... 10 more weeks!

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