Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Zion Ride

Friday night we discovered a leak in our pipes. We weren't sure if we were going to to be able to go on our little get away for the weekend or not. We were able to get things under control and the plumber was scheduled to come over on Monday. Since it was a hot water leak we could just turn off the hot water and the leak dried up. We left Saturday afternoon and headed to Mesquite. We rode down on the Harley and by the time we got there we were so hot and drenched in sweat. We showered and headed over to the MMA fights. There was a booth that had Italian food so we got a little something to eat. It was AMAZING. I got fried ravioli . It was so good. You could totally tell it was my first time at the fights. I was cheering and yelling and screaming for my favorite people. It was so much fun. By the end of the night my voice was shot. 
We went to bed about 12:30 and my stomach was so upset. I didn't sleep well at all. I woke up at 4:30 and then by the time I was able to go back to sleep Q was waking me up saying we needed to get ready to head to Cedar. We got to Cedar and I was still super queezy. At breakfast I had soup and a little water. We all loaded up and hit the mountain. 

I loved the RADIO! 

The higher elevation and cooler air made me feel better, but as soon as we hit Panguitch I was feeling yucky again. 

It was freaking hot waiting in line for the tunnel. I am sure Q got tired of me whining about being hot. 

Ever wonder what a bunch of bikes sound like in a tunnel? Well wonder no more....

When we came down out of the park we stopped at Amigos and grabbed a bite to eat. I was still super nauseated. As we drove through Hurricane I started to get dizzy and light headed. I had Q stop at Lin's so I could puke. When we got home we both collapsed from being hot and tired. Monday I felt fine, but then Q started to feel yucky. I think maybe we had a little bug. Being hot and tired didn't make it any better. I am looking forward to the rides in the fall when it's cooler. 

I took the Rebel out today since I wasn't working. I ran out of gas.... whoops. 

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