Thursday, January 30, 2014

I Am 4

We love ge children's museum. While Becks was in Idaho I took.Jax. So while Jax was in school I took Becks. It was so fun. The a few days later Becks, Terry, and Q went out to the new house 4 wheeling.


3 Months

Ok, someone put on the breaks. I am not ready for my tiny squishy human to be 3 months. Wasn't he just born yesterday? Gosh! This little guy is a lover and snuggler. He love to hold things, shirts, blanket, hands, binkies - if its close he'll hold it. He also loves food. He eats solid food twice a day and gets so excited when I put his bib on. He's a mama's boy, that needs no explaining. He hates to be out of someone's site, therefore he loves the bumbo. Bathtime is his favorite, besides meal time. Because of meal time, he's too fat to roll over. We have yet to accomplish that. We sure do love this stinks little fart.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Breast Feeding - Potty Training - Down Sizing

Well, it took me a week but I built my milk supply back up. I had relied on too much formula. It was easy and filled him up. After a lot of water, oatmeal, and lactation pills from natural grocers - we're back in business. Baby is happier and a bit less gassy, mommy is happier knowing baby is happy. We are doing cereal, which he LOVES. I think his favorite thing in the world is food.

I am happy to say Becks is POTTY TRAINED!!! Horray. Still not completely at night, but hey - dry during the day is GREAT news. I never thought the time would come. Seriously. I was thinking he would start kindergarten in diapers. It is amazing how right after he turned 4 his attitude changed. I hate the age of 3. It's the worst year ever. Forget terrible 2s it's terrible 3s. He has been such a good boy.

Cleaning out and moving stuff has been our day today. We are taking stuff to our new house all though the month. It will make for a much cheaper, easier and smoother move. Horray.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Home Sweet Home

We spent all day yesterday driving around looking at different homes. I fell in love with a little cabin style home in Central. It was set back in the trees, had a loft, fireplace and it was a framed. It was just impractical with having our kids. We wouldn't see Skyler as much and Jaxan would be spending over an hour on the bus to get to school. Nothing in St George was right for us. Q's friend Doug had a family member with a place in Leeds. It's a simple manufactured home. It's surrounded by horses, has a garage, is 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, and I can get a couple kitties. YAY! There are no trees, but there is a hot tub. There are horses all around us too. We can build a chicken coop and I might even get a goat! We'll see how things work out. I am just looking for a much simpler life.


Friday, January 17, 2014


I love Oscar time. Not due to the award show in particular. I like all the buzz about the movies and actors. Who has been snubbed and who is the most shocking nomination. I love it. I also love seeing the movies. I must say The Hurt Locker was not my favorite nominated movie I ever saw. It was super boring and I have no clue why it was made out to be so great. Here are my takes on some of this years films. I will update it as I continue to watch them.

****spoiler alert****

Saving Mr Banks:
I bawled while watching this one. It tugged at my heart strings and for the soft place in my heart I have for any girl who looses her daddy. A daddy is a young girls first love, their hero, and to loose that is one of the most heart wrenching things. It's beautiful to see where Mary Poppins came from and Walt Disney's point of view. I think Tom Hanks was amazing. The lady who played P L Travers was incredible as well. She played a wonderful roll. You wanted to hate her, but your heart couldn't help but feel a little bit soft for her.

This was a wonderfully done Disney film. I loved the songs and the lightness of the film. There aren't many movies that show sibling love. This movie showed the importance of sisterly love and that true love can heal. It doesn't have to be the kiss of a prince, it can be the love from a sibling. One of my favorite Disney movies for sure.

August: Osage County:
This was not one of my favorite films. It was not the roll I would have liked to see Susan Surandon and Julia Roberts in the first time together in a film. This was a dark movie. I think it was to "real life" for me. It was to much like reality and there was no light hearted moments in the film. I missed the giggly Julia Roberts, the huge laugh and beautiful smile.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

January Reflections

So as of last month, we are now looking for a new place to live. In March we will leave our home here in Hurricane. Mac has decided to move back to Las Vegas and we don't need this huge house, nor can we afford it, on our own. I have done a lot of reflecting. I have been very bitter and angry. My feelings have been hurt. A year ago Q and I turned the lives of our family upside down to accommodate Mac. We left the security of our little home and the comfort of simple living for something much bigger and insecure.
When I first saw this house I fell in love. The wood working, the kitchen, the orchard and yard, it was a dream home. I loved the fireplaces, the split level and the huge garage. Through this last year I haven fallen out of love this house. I have realized that this is a place of heartbreak and spacious insecurity. Though we have made many fond memories, I strongly believe the negative has outweighed the positive. Q and I both miss a smaller home, much less yard work, simple living. In the words of Phil from Duck Dynasty, I feel like a yuppie and I ain't no yuppie girl.
I remember as a little girl going to the Parade of Homes and dreaming of a HUGE house with all the amenities. Now that I have lived this way, I am glad to be leaving. I am looking forward to a one level home, with a quaint yard, a small garage, one living room, and my family surrounding me. I don't feel this house has really ever turned into a "home". No matter how many people have been within it's walls, the decorations on the wall, or the thought of it being "ours", this is not our home. It's never felt the way the Buena Vista home felt. Very much looking forward to simple life again.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas 2013 - Axel's First

The kids got 3 Christmas's just with us this year. Papa and Grandma Jo came early in December and we did Christmas with them. Then we had Christmas at our house on Christmas afternoon. Auntie Moose didn't get here until the day after Christmas, so we had a Christmas that day too. It was so AWESOME! We had a great time. We were so thankful for the time with family. 


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome 2014

I usually am sad to see the year go. This year it's not the case. I am looking forward to 2014, for new changes and experiences. 2013 started out as a challenge and continued from there. In January we got a call that Mac, Q's uncle had been injured in Las Vegas. We spent a lot of time down there. We eventually decided to have him come stay with us until he was able to be on his own. Q's dad came up and stayed for nearly 2 months in helping care for Mac. In March we moved into a new home in Hurricane. We needed more space for Mac and he needed his own room and own area. We also found out we were expecting a baby in March. In May we took our family vacation to California. We had a great 2 days at Disneyland. We then spent 3 days in San Diego with Q's dad and step mom. The kids all said their favorite part of the trip was going to Papa's house. I also started a MC with Sharon. In June we found out we were having a baby BOY. Q and I also celebrated our birthday's. I went on an overnight girls trip to Vegas with my bestie and Q went to Cali with the boys. July was just plain hot. In August Q started a MC with people he thought were his "brothers". It didn't turn out to be that way. I lost my job. August was a rough one for us. We ended it well with tying the knot on the harbor in San Diego. We also went to a Chargers 49ers game. We were in Cali over Labor Day. It was very hot and humid while we were in San Diego, but we had a great time. In October we welcomed Axel. My sister came to visit as well as Q's bestie Jim.  November is a blur. In December we found out that Mac didn't want to stay living with us. We had a great visit from Ron and Mary Jo as well as my sister. We had a busy and eventful year.... bring on 2014.
