Wednesday, April 10, 2013

11 weeks and bitter

So I haven't really posted much about this pregnancy. I guess because I have been sick and tired, but that is passing and I am starting to feel better. So I went to my first doctors visit thinking I was at about 11 weeks and hoping I was at 35 weeks. No such luck.... on either! They ask me the normal questions... when was my last period and I very surely said January 1st. That's not really something you easily forget.... especially when everything is going on - that was going on in our lives. So Lisa tries to listen for the heartbeat.... she can't find. it. I am not too worried because I was SUPER sick, so I knew the baby was doing okay. She got the portable ultra sound and said that I was measuring MUCH smaller than 11 weeks. I didn't like the sound of that. I went in the following Monday for a regular ultrasound to determine how far along I am. She couldn't get good measurements due to the little tiny thing. I didn't like the sound of that. So we had to do a inravaginal ultrasound. 8 weeks ---- WHAT!!?? I was so disappointed. Then Dr Lunt called me and said my due date is set at 10/30/2013. I told him that is the wrong answer, but - I'll take that and a healthy baby as opposed to anything else. So I sit here at 11 ALMOST 12 weeks. 202 days to go! I was uber sick the first several weeks. But as of now it kinda comes and goes, but not too bad. Can't complain. Phenergain shots are helping tons along with the pills. I have craved hot dogs, ketchup, pudding and chicken fried steak. I am HUGE, like dress me in a mumu already huge. Showing way too much for 11 weeks. I am hoping that part of this slows down.


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