Thursday, April 18, 2013

Second Dr Appt

Today was my first doctors appointment with Dr Lunt, and second doctors appointment this pregnancy. I just absolutely love him. He makes pregnancy so much easier. Any fears, worries or concerns that I walk in with, he calms. He makes it look so easy. I heard the little heartbeat - 153 bpm. That has me leaning toward a boy, but I don't have any real strong personal or emotional feeling. Q is hoping boy all the way. I am hungry for anything full of salt.... not good I know. I love hot dogs, ketchup, mustard, miracle whip, and I add salt to just about everything. I have felt the baby move the last couple days. Its been mostly in the evening. Once was after eating meatloaf. I think it was having a temper tantrum. The other time was listening to Miranda Lambert. I think it was fist pumping or line dancing. I have been totally exhausted. No motivation and no energy.
While at my appointment today, we discussed prozac. My last pregnancy I was told it was "safe". Well yes it's safe but then it can have side effects. After talking with Dr Lunt I decided to ween myself off of the medication. I don't feel comfortable putting my child at risk for anything. It's not getting a choice. I don't need the medication for depression or suicidal tendencies. I look at it as the best thing to do. Hearing that because I am taking the medication the NICU will need to be in the room at the time of the birth was really hard.  It will be a process and I am choosing to do it slowly. I will have the medication out of my system by the time the tiny human is removed.


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