Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Cuddle buddies.
Tonight we found out some background on our little Boston. A week ago Sunday he was transported from New Mexico to Salt Lake. New Mexico has a very high kill rate and SLC had room  to take some in. Boston was saved and brought over with some others. Monday after he arrived he was vacinated and nutered. Then a few days later they came down here for the Super Pet Adoption. This little guy is 1.5 lbs under weight. He is a trooper for all he's been through. You can tell he is just so happy to be loved. Jaxan can't wait for him to get better. She wants him to sleep in her room.
Also good news for the dog that came over for a meet and greet got adopted. Amber, a girl I work with, adopted him. He was a great fit for her family.

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