Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2 Weeks

Two weeks from today (if not before) Axel will make his debut. The last five days have been super busy. Last Friday my foot hurt so bad I was ready to go to the doctor. I was holding out as long as I could. I was hoping it would just get better on it's own. It wasn't happening. I could not put any pressure on it on Friday night without wanting to throw up from the pain. My mom thought I might have broken the same bone that Lyn had a few years ago. That was not a good thought. I got some muscle rub and ice and rubbed my foot down really good and iced it. Saturday I was terrified. I knew I was going to have to be on my foot all day. I wore my sketchers instead of my harley boots. I knew the boots would kill me. I haven't had pain since Friday night. I am not sure if something was out of place and when I was massaging it that it just popped back in, or if I just let it rest long enough. Whatever the case, I am very very thankful the pain went away.
Speaking of the run, it was amazing. Q and I told Austin that he doesn't need to get shot again, but it was such a great turn out.

Sunday was football day. The Patriots lost.... YAY and my Broncos barely squeeked by with a win against Dallas. It was just nice to have a down day of football and nothing else really.

Becks has been in Idaho for about 10 days. I sure do miss him! On Monday Chelsea took Becks and Gunner to Chick Fil A for Family Night Cowboys and Indians. They had a great time, and they were SO cute!!!!!

The girls have been driving me CRAZY with their electronic obsessions. iPods and TV and the words "I'm bored" So last night I was done hearing it. I told them that when I was their ages, that we had this thing called imagination. I encouraged them to go outside and play. To make a fort or create something. So Skyler said she was going to make a tee pee. I had to laugh at the thought. But going out and seeing them, they did a great job. Too bad it's windy and supposed to rain today.

On a good note, I am feeling really good. Haven't got a lot done because Satan has been vising Mac. She was supposed to leave on Sunday and it's Wednesday - she's still here. Before she came we talked with Mac and told him that she could come IF we got an apology first. She has not apologized to either of us. So now we have to tell Mac she is not welcome back here EVER. Q is prepared for Mac to move out. If it happens it happens. We can make it. We will have to sell some things and really really budget hard. No more playing, but we could do it. She is supposed to be leaving today and apparently Mac is going with her. Which means she has to come back at come point to bring him back. It's gonna get ugly. I just want my house back so I can get it cleaned and dusted while I am still feeling really good. I don't know how long it will last.

And lastly.... yesterday I decided to pierce my ears. My mom had them pierced when I was a couple weeks old. That is when my metal allergy was discovered. I can't wear hardly any metal. I wore a necklace yesterday and have blisters on my neck today. I have looked around at all the shops here and they won't pierce with plastic. I have been frustrated. So I got a pair of tapers and pierced them myself yesterday. Q was going to do it but he was worried about hurting me. He also has a thing with needles. The needle was very big, but it had to be. He helped me put the O rings on the back of the tapers because I couldn't do that on my own. As an MA I know about infection and keeping them clean. I move them about every hour so that the skin won't heal to the plastic. Apparently that is more apt to happen and that is why they won't pierce with plastic. I am using meleluca oil too.... that is probably going to help more than anything. It keeps the infection away.

37 weeks pregnant ----


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