Sunday, October 13, 2013

Becks Call

Becks called this afternoon. He said "where is sissy" I told him right here. He said, "I want to talk at her". So they talked. Then he wanted to "talk at daddy Q". By the time it was my turn the phone died.
He called me back a little later. Of course, he "wanted to talk at daddy Q and sissy". Sissy was in bed because she has school tomorrow. He talked to daddy Q and told him he was eating chocolate ice cream. (I bet it was grandma's homemade). He said he wanted to come to my house and he misses us. Then he wanted to eat his ice cream so it was good bye. I just love to hear his little voice.

In the mean time. Jaxan has set up her tee pee again since the wind knocked it down. She has been singing and preforming all over the house and front yard. She has been quite spoiled. When asked if she missed brother at all she said no. She then asked "if brother wants to stay in Idaho can we let him?" I said a big negative to that one. She has had movie nights and late nights. She's been able to sleep on the couch and watch movies downstairs. No wonder she doesn't want him to come home. We've had a lot of fun, but we are ready for little brother to come home and other little brother to come into the world.


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