Tuesday, April 24, 2012

This little miss had 6 cavities filled today. 
She had a broken tooth last night and there were lots of tears.
She went to the dentist today.
6 cavities and a cap later and we have a sore lip.
Yep when she was numb she bit her lip.... quite a bit by the looks of it.
So it was bed time with an ice pack and Tylenol.
She was a trooper though through the day though. 
I feel lucky to be this little princesses mom!

This Little Mister

This sweet little mister is getting so big! 
He turned two in January and I can't believe it.
He went from saying a few words to putting sentences together.
He says things like "I got it" "Red Solo Cup" "Mommy, ug" "Wheres sister?"
We have battled the bottle thing for a couple months.
I give in to him way to easily. . . but he is my baby.
Q finally made me buckle down and just do it.
AMAZINGLY Becks lived! He lived without a bottle!!!
I was so happy. We are on day 3 and he has gone without a bottle and he doesn't even cry much any more.
It has made things so easy!
Routine is so important for this little mister and I am so lucky to be his mommy.


My Stomach

So for the last year off and on I have been throwing up. It could be anytime of the day, with or without food, it didn't matter. In the last month it has become much worse. I have been throwing up once or twice a day. I finally got to the point where it was driving me crazy so I did something about it. I went to see Dr Escandon. Two days before my appointment I started to take omeprazole. I threw up the day of the appointment. I was thankful I got in to see Dr Escandon. He ran blood tests checking my liver, pancreas, kidneys, and everything came back normal. He told me to keep up on the omeprazole. He also said he wanted to do an EGD..... that did not excite me too much. 2 days later I  got a call from the EGD docs office. They wanted to do sedation during the EGD. . . that was not an option with me. I was hoping for oral sedation instead. Apparently that was not an option with them. I started counting and it has been 4 days since I have thrown up. So for now I will keep up with the omeprazole and hope that it continues to work.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Just the beginning.....

This last weekend was amazingly beautiful. Sunshine, crisp clean air, cool breezes and beautiful scenery.

We went to the Kite Festival to watch Skyler perform. She did a great job. The kids had a great time seeing everything. It was so fun to spend the time with all 3 kids. Skyler left with her mom and Jaxan and Beckham went with Mike.

With the kids gone we wanted to head out on the bike. Well, one problem, we had a dead battery. Beckham or Jaxan had turned the key on the bike and the battery was totally gone. So we did the next best thing - hopped in the car and drove up. It was Earth Day 2012. Springdale knows how to party. There were booths set up all over the park, there was a live band playing, and there was a beer garden. Hippies everywhere and hoola hoops. It was so fun. We then walked up the street to the little market and got some water. We caught the shuttle and headed into Zion. 

It was a hot but gorgeous day for hiking. We got into the canyon just as the sun went down behind the cliffs. Things cooled off and our hike was great. We did The Lower Emerald Pools and then The Grotto. We hiked about 2 miles - which for beginners was a lot. We got done about 6:30 and we were starving.

We got off the shuttle at the Oscar's stop. We wanted to eat outside and while waiting for a table took a look at the menu. MAN talk about inflation. We decided to skip Oscars and walk back up to Amigos.

Let me just take a break here and say that I have the most amazing man in the world. No matter how many times a day we eat Mexican food I could eat it 4 more! He likes it but is not always in the mood. Whenever he takes me out he takes me for Mexican. He is so good to me! 

Okay back to the Springdale dinner story.... We walked up to Amigos and waited for a table outside to be cleaned. We sat and watched the sun go down. They only had two servers so things were slow. We weren't super hungry but we got chips and salsa and a quesadilla to split. The food was absolutely amazing. Some of the best Mexican food in Southern Utah that is for sure. It was so nice for us just have the evening together sitting and talking and enjoying the gorgeous scenery. 

We were definitely pooped when we got home. We had put the bike on the charger before we left. It started right up when we got home. We went out for a ride on Sunday morning. I must admit I complained a lot. I was sunburned from the splash pad and Zion. We drove to the splash pad and ran through it to cool off. Then we took the dogs to the river. It was a blast. It was Harley's first time and she had a blast. After that we got our kids back and we had a cool calm evening.

This is just the beginning for what this summer holds for us.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Summer Lovin'

93 degrees tomorrow? Really? I am blown away at how hot it is already. It is only April. I think the weather in Southern Utah is pulled out of a bag on a daily basis. By how hot and cold and up and down the weather has been, you never know what tomorrow will bring.
Due to the heat we have been spending a lot of time on the bike and in the water.

Sand Hollow is SUPER full this year.

Splash Pad Time


The End Of School

Does it seem to anyone else, like the end of school is busier than the beginning? We have been going to choir concerts, science fairs, talent shows, history fairs and a few other things. Its non stop going. I love it! I love to see how involved the kids are in everything. 

At Skyler's talent show. She painted to music. It was awesome. She did such a great job. 

Jaxan was the only kindergartner to do the science fair in her school

She was so proud of her trophy. The first one EVER! I am so proud of her. We are headed to district science fair next month!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Science Fair

She was the only kindergardner in the school to do the science fair.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Our Three Loves


Detox Day 3

So today started with a veggie omelet and a half of an english muffin - oh and a Diet Coke :) Even though it is fruits and veggies day I needed to have some protein. I am going to try and be more healthy with my eating choices but I can't do the outlined GM detox.


Detox Day 2

Day two started with my delicious baked potato with a tiny bit of butter and Mrs Dash. Everything was going well. I washed my potato down with iced tea to get rid of my caffeine withdraw headache. My mom invited us to lunch at pizza factory. I managed not to have one bite of pizza. I had a side of mushrooms and a salad with vinegar and lemon juice. It was great for about an hour. Then the nausea set in. I was totally nauseated and kept thinking it would pass. I threw up and thought again that it would pass, no such luck. I was at my wits end. I had a pounding head ache and horrible nausea. I didn't want to be a quitter. I stayed strong until about 4:00 and then I told Q I needed something to eat. I couldn't do the detox any longer. We went to Ernesto's and I had an enchallada and a taco.  My headache and nausea were instantly gone. I felt so much better. Though I lost 5 lbs in the first day it was not worth the feeling of sick and yuck I was going through. I snacked a little bit last night but not a ton. I was pretty proud of myself.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Detox Day One

This is my arsenal today against the world of carbs and fats.(No not the candy dish in the back) I AM STARVING! It's only 8:40 and I am dying for peanut butter crackers or a nice piece of chocolate. My will power sucks. Oh well. I am going to do this. 7 days. It is going to take 7 days to detox all the yuck from my body and I know I will feel so much better. I am looking forward to my energy level going up, my mind coming back so I can remember things and my attitude being better. So with this, I eat a pear. 

Weight :138

Thursday, April 12, 2012


So I have been searching ways to detox my body. I feel like since Thanksgiving I have been eatting crummy and there have been holidays on top of holidays that are filled with candy and treats. I was strolling along pinterest today and found this :


I love how it shows how and why the detox works. It's not something super long term and it only takes 7 days! So I am starting tomorrow. I will have before and after pictures and we'll see how it goes!


Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday started off with Jaxan coming into our room saying, "The Easter Bunny CAME!" She was so excited. This was followed by Skyler waking up and finally Beckham.

The kids were pretty spoiled by the Bunny this year. Maybe it's because Skyler made him a cute little basket with bunny eggs and flowers made of pipe cleaners. They got jammies and a new outfit. Sky and Beckham each got a new bathing suit and Jaxan got slippers. PLUS, they all got goodies for our family vacation coming up the end of the month.

They hunted eggs around the house. This would be egg hunt number 3 for them. Becks favorite thing was opening all the eggs.

And then we went outside for egg hunt number 4!!! We were waiting for the grandparents for this one, but they were running late and the chocolate in the eggs started to melt.

Brunch set up.....

Carrot shaped crescents with tuna salad. 

Bunny buns.

Deviled eggs.

We had an amazing Easter Sunday. It was full of Family and what's more important on a day of new beginnings and the reminder of life after death than that. We are blessed to have family close. That afternoon Jaxan and Beckham went with Mike and Skyler went with Misty. Q and I hopped on the bike and took a beautiful ride around town. We went to dinner and came home and relaxed. We got the kids back with tummy aches and they were both very tired. We got snuggle time and put them to bed. It was a wonderful Easter!
