Tuesday, April 24, 2012

This Little Mister

This sweet little mister is getting so big! 
He turned two in January and I can't believe it.
He went from saying a few words to putting sentences together.
He says things like "I got it" "Red Solo Cup" "Mommy, ug" "Wheres sister?"
We have battled the bottle thing for a couple months.
I give in to him way to easily. . . but he is my baby.
Q finally made me buckle down and just do it.
AMAZINGLY Becks lived! He lived without a bottle!!!
I was so happy. We are on day 3 and he has gone without a bottle and he doesn't even cry much any more.
It has made things so easy!
Routine is so important for this little mister and I am so lucky to be his mommy.


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