Monday, April 23, 2012

Just the beginning.....

This last weekend was amazingly beautiful. Sunshine, crisp clean air, cool breezes and beautiful scenery.

We went to the Kite Festival to watch Skyler perform. She did a great job. The kids had a great time seeing everything. It was so fun to spend the time with all 3 kids. Skyler left with her mom and Jaxan and Beckham went with Mike.

With the kids gone we wanted to head out on the bike. Well, one problem, we had a dead battery. Beckham or Jaxan had turned the key on the bike and the battery was totally gone. So we did the next best thing - hopped in the car and drove up. It was Earth Day 2012. Springdale knows how to party. There were booths set up all over the park, there was a live band playing, and there was a beer garden. Hippies everywhere and hoola hoops. It was so fun. We then walked up the street to the little market and got some water. We caught the shuttle and headed into Zion. 

It was a hot but gorgeous day for hiking. We got into the canyon just as the sun went down behind the cliffs. Things cooled off and our hike was great. We did The Lower Emerald Pools and then The Grotto. We hiked about 2 miles - which for beginners was a lot. We got done about 6:30 and we were starving.

We got off the shuttle at the Oscar's stop. We wanted to eat outside and while waiting for a table took a look at the menu. MAN talk about inflation. We decided to skip Oscars and walk back up to Amigos.

Let me just take a break here and say that I have the most amazing man in the world. No matter how many times a day we eat Mexican food I could eat it 4 more! He likes it but is not always in the mood. Whenever he takes me out he takes me for Mexican. He is so good to me! 

Okay back to the Springdale dinner story.... We walked up to Amigos and waited for a table outside to be cleaned. We sat and watched the sun go down. They only had two servers so things were slow. We weren't super hungry but we got chips and salsa and a quesadilla to split. The food was absolutely amazing. Some of the best Mexican food in Southern Utah that is for sure. It was so nice for us just have the evening together sitting and talking and enjoying the gorgeous scenery. 

We were definitely pooped when we got home. We had put the bike on the charger before we left. It started right up when we got home. We went out for a ride on Sunday morning. I must admit I complained a lot. I was sunburned from the splash pad and Zion. We drove to the splash pad and ran through it to cool off. Then we took the dogs to the river. It was a blast. It was Harley's first time and she had a blast. After that we got our kids back and we had a cool calm evening.

This is just the beginning for what this summer holds for us.

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