Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Weekend Day 1

We spent the morning cleaning and hanging out. Becks and Q went to his mom's house to get the studio finished up. Jaxi and I went and got our hair cut. I needed mine a little shorter and as you can see in the picture above I took hers up to her shoulder. We both love the new dos. Sky got to the house and we went for a make believe egg hunt. I thought it was at 4 when it was actually this morning.... whoops. We ended up going to Tai Pan. Once we got home we went on a family walk / bike ride. The girls had so much fun on their bikes and the weather was just beautiful. Becks was super tired so he went down after we got home. Q, me and the girls got out crackers and goodies and watched We Bought A Zoo. It's one of the greatest movies I have seen in a long time. It was full of laughter and tears. Amazing story line and I highly recommend it. 
We are hitting the hay.... we have egg hunts early in the morning..... until tomorrow - peace love and music!

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