Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hi Ho Hi Ho a Fishing We Did Go!

Jaxan and Beckham went home with Mike on Thursday night after her kindergarten program. They were going to be there until Saturday night. Q and I decided that when I got off work Friday that we would go up to Enterprise for the night. We wanted to do some fishing. We left Friday afternoon and got up there at prime fishing time. We set up camp in Honeycomb Campground. Spot 21 was right by the dock. It was perfect. We took the boat out. The boat is awesome. The only problem is that it takes on some water, about 2 gallons by the time we got done. We can fix it with some silicone, and it didn't slow down our fishing. We found a little cove that we fished in. Q got the biggest fish of the trip that night. 

When the sun started to go down we docked the boat and got warm. The wind picked up and it got cool and I was freezing. Once we got warm we headed to the shore to fish until the sun went down. 

I haven't been camping in a couple years. It was a lot of fun, but I got sick. I forgot to take my stomach medication. I had made tin foil dinners to take up with us before. We made those and then went to bed. I was beyond exhausted and I didn't feel well. I was hoping that waking up the next day I would feel much better. 
Good news, I did! We got up loaded the boat, took down camp, and headed for the water. We went out by the little cove we had fished the day before. We were catching them left and right. I would set my pole down to start to read and I couldn't even read a couple sentences before I would have a hit. I even caught a bass on power bait.

My mom and Lyn came up and had lunch with us. Then we all went out fishing for a couple hours. Q and I were in the boat, my mom was in the pontoon boat and Lyn was in a float tube. Lyn was fly fishing and the weather was just a little too warm to catch anything. They were all on the bottom, but he did have a couple strikes. My mom caught 2. She caught one with a worm and one on power bait. 

After the fishing adventure we went to Marvs for a milkshake and a burger. It was a perfect ending to a wonderful weekend. 


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