Sunday, May 20, 2012

Meet Alpine

We are proud to announce the newest members of our family ...... Alpine. Here is the story on how she got to our family.
After trying and trying to work with Harley and her tearing apart our garden, yard, and using the hallway as her own bathroom, we were done with her. We put her on craigslist and didn't get any hits. Q ended up taking her to the Washington City Pound. For 3 days after we had quite a few texts and calls asking about her. I talked to a lady that went to the pound and got her. They love her. I am happy for that. She is a sweet dog, just not right for us.
Q and I have both wanted a shepard. He used to have one and I fell in love with Missy up in Idaho. We have been looking and looking but they aren't a dog that many people part with easily. He told me he found an add on craigslist and he called on it. She's a very timid and shy former K9 dog. She didn't make it in the K9 program because of her meekness. He went over and met her. I really really wanted him to go her. Being an amazing husband, he went and got her. She was terrified and hid the first night. The next day she was a little better but she was still terrified of us. It got me worried that she may not be a good fit for us.
Friday morning I was loading the kids in the car and Alpine split. She went running down the street and turned the corner. I thought she was out in the back yard but I didn't worry about shutting the front door. Q jumped in his car and we drove all around looking for her. She was no where in site. I was the only MA at the office and Q had just started his job so we had to both get to work. He called the shelters and police departments and gave them a heads up. At lunch I called them again and she had been sited by Middleton. That is about 4 miles from our house. I drove all over the Middleton area and couldn't find her. St George was going to send out an Animal Control tuck to search the area. I thought I might go home and just see if she found her way home. I thought this would be impossible since she had only lived with us a day and a half. She had never been out on a walk or had any reason to know how to get back. I pulled up to the house and there was Alpine laying on our porch right by our front door. I was blown away. I ran up to her and gave her a huge hug. I put her in the back yard and went back to work. We got really lucky to have had her come back. She proved at that point that she really was meant for us.
Since then she has really opened up to us and she trusts us. We all love her and we are glad she chose us.


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