Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Belly

For the last two months I have been puking nearly every day. I know your first thought is - "she's prego". Nope, I even bought a dollar store pregnancy test to make sure. Don't laugh. It didn't seem to be triggered by anything. It could come right after I ate, when I had an empty stomach, or 45 minutes after eating. I made an appointment to see a doctor. It has been 4 or 5 years since I actually went and saw a doctor for anything other than pregnancy. I can ususally figure things out on my own, but this had me stumped.
A few weeks ago I went and saw Dr Escandon. He told me that I should take prilosec and get and EGD done. After taking the prilosec my vomiting stopped, so of course I canceled the EGD. I was supposed to have it the morning we got back from California which was a Tuesday. Wednesday I started having some mild stomach pain. I thought it was just the trip and the junk food we had eaten. Thursday and Friday it got worse. I thought it was my ulcer. I started taking Acephex in the morning and prilosec at night. I changed my diet, took tums but nothing helped. Then I started to throw up with the pain. Q had enough and told me I needed to go to the ER.
Sunday morning at 9 we were at the ER. That doc thought it may be my gallbladder. So he ran a few test and everything came back clean. I had all the symptoms of gallbladder. Back pain, upper right quadrant abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting - so how was there nothing showing up. When he came in to talk to us before he let me go, 5 1/2 hours later, he said that it could be spasms in my colon. I thought he was kidding. He wrote me a perscription I was sure I wasn't going to take. Then I thought - why not. I have tried everything else and nothing is helping. I took the pills that day and they didn't seem to do much, but I woke up yesterday and took one and by mid morning I was not in any pain and I haven't had any pain since then. So apparently my pain is is a duodenum spasm. Who would have thought?


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