Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fathers Day

I have been a slacker on the blog. I have been super busy getting the RV done and being gone playing that I have not taken the time to sit and blog. So here is my catch up....

Father's Day weekend Jax and Beckham were going to go with Mike on noon Saturday. We wanted to put something together with Q before they left. The girls and I stayed up on Friday night putting breakfast things together and decorating. They also made their presents for him.

Saturday morning we got up and I fixed a french toast casserole. The girls gave Q his presents.

Then Q and I took Beckham and ran a few errands. Beckham threw up in the car while we were gone. I thought that maybe he had some phlem or something. He threw up again when he got home. He also had diarrhea. Teething came to mind, until Skyler started to not feel well either. She was throwing up and having diarrhea too. Mike called and said he wasn't going to get the kids until Sunday morning. The two little ones went to bed and Skyler was still suffering with the bug. She decided she would like to go home. Q was a little bummed out, being Father's Day the next morning and all. Misty came and picked up Skyler and she threw up on the way to the car. She threw up until 2:30 in the morning.

Being kidless on Father's Day was bitter sweet. We went up to Enterprise and did some fishing. We were missing the kids and I was missing my dad. We were only planning on being out there for about an hour or two. Instead we were out for five hours and we both got super sunburned.

When we got home we got showered and went to dinner with my mom and Lyn at Outback. It was a nice dinner and a good time being with the grown ups but we missed our kiddos. We were excited to get the little ones back. We also were glad to hear that Sky was feeling much better.

For my dad:

If tears could build a stairway,
and memories a lane,
I’d walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.


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