Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Potty Time

I have avoided potty training Beckham. Everything has come so slowly with this kid. He talked slow, he walked slow, he crawled slow, he sat slow, he got rid of the bottle slow.... I thought he may be wearing diapers to first grade. I would be okay with that. When I went to drop him off at daycare the other morning Mary told me that Beckham had told her he wanted to go potty. She said he had been going on the potty. I was shocked. He had not showed the smallest bit of interest in going on the potty at home.
The next day I went and got him a little potty adapter that you sit on the toilet and it sings. We tried it for the first time yesterday. I sat him on the potty.....

we hung out for about 5 minutes - and then.... he pooped! Most kids can pee and do that for a long time before they poop. I was shocked and so happy. 

He was pretty happy he got a chocolate for going potty in the potty too! Lets hope this wasn't just beginners luck.


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