Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Big and Swollen

Ugh! My feet are swollen, my boobs are huge and my back is sore. I am in Large scrubs. I squished into my mediums for the last time this week. Not gonna happen again. I guess close to 3 months left I can't complain too much. My feet look like what normal peoples feet look like. Everyone thinks they aren't swollen. Thing is my feet are usually so narrow and bony. It's crazy for me not to see the ankle bone and the bone under it sticking WAY out. The good thing, my cute shoes that are a little too big fit really nicely now. I will never understand why anyone would want a boob job. Freaking heck my back hurts every day and it's not because of the baby. Its my upper back and I can only think it's from the weight of my humungo C cups. I am REALLY looking forward to my A's coming back to me. I won't mind that one bit. The baby is active and even though I can't stand having to pee every time I stand up, I love knowing he is moving regardless of the fluid level and his cord isn't being pinched.

Mike took the kids for the first time since his arrest today. They were SO excited to see him. It was bittersweet. He will have them this weekend. I have been nervous as he is now living with his dad. The kids had a great time and were happy today when they got back. That made me somewhat relieved. I also talked with his mom, and she doesn't see a need to worry. If she trusts the kids in the situation, then I feel I can too.

Q leaves tomorrow (his birthday) to head down to California for a guys weekend. He is very excited and deserves to go and have a good time with the boys. I didn't want to go to far just in case something were to happen with the kids. Sharon got us a room at the Eureka for free and we are going to go down and do the comedy club Friday night. We will have dinner and just hang by the pool. Saturday afternoon Jenni, Ann, Gregg and Jenni's boyfriend are all coming for lunch. I am VERY excited to see them.

It's supposed to be 110-115 this weekend. WAY to hot for my body to be outside. I am going to try and stay as cool as I can. We might have some cooked chickens. Even though Boston isn't potty trained, I am going to keep the dogs in the house too. It's just too hot to keep them outside too.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sunday, June 23, 2013

22 Weeks Tomorrow

Pregnancy sucks. I know I should love it and embrace it and enjoy every minute. I know there are women out there wishing they could be pregnant and feel the things I am feeling. But the truth is.... I don't. Axel is very low and curled over in the right hip area. Every time I stand up it's like he falls on my bladder and I instantly have to go. The good thing is, he is very active, so that makes the low fluid worry a little less worrisome. None of my pants fit so I use rubber bands and call it good. My shirts are getting to short. Lucky for me, Sharon and I went to Vegas and went shopping. I got  3 new shirts while I was there for my birthday. They were much needed. Q is leaving this Thursday with the guys to go to California. He is excited to go with the guys on the Harley's and hit the coast. With all the work he does around the house and with the kids and for me, he totally deserves a boys get away.

Update on the kids:

Skyler: She is spending part of her summer babysitting and part of it being a kid. It depends on who she is with. She spent last Friday at Brook's house and then all day on Saturday. She loved playing in the pool and enjoying the time being a kid. She does need some help in the "unsissying" department. We need to find a way to toughen her up some. Overall she is a great kid and a good helper.

Jax: She has spent a lot of her summer so far being bored. She has enjoyed the field trips that the daycare offers. I think she misses the challenge of school. She doesn't have that challenge at home and finds ways to get into trouble. She is helpful when she wants to be, but she antagonizes her little brother something fierce.

Beckham: It's just another day at home with dad for him. He has good days and bad days. I think he has the potty thing down. Which is great. Since he filled his potty chart, we went to see Monsters University. I thought it would be a bigger hit. He didn't care much for the theater. He did love seeing the movie though.

Last weekend Mike got arrested for Meth. It had a huge effect on the kids. They have missed seeing him and their normal routine is off. They have had a hard time with just talking to him on the phone. I am really hoping it is a wake up call and he will turn things around and get his crap together. They don't "need" him in their lives with a great man like Q, but they do want him in their lives. He is their dad and he either needs to step up, or step out. This back and forth is really hard on them.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Funny Things He Says

Me: Becks what's gonna happen when you aren't the baby anymore.
Becks: be big
Me: are you gonna hold your little brother and snuggle him?
Becks: No, I'll put him on my head.

Me: what will you do with your brother?
Becks: he will watch me ride my bike.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Man Quote

As Q is watching the ultrasound yesterday he keeps saying how tiny the baby is. Then he asked how much he weighs. I said about half a pound. He looked at the pictures and then at my belly and said "you don't have any fluid and the baby is tiny so whats all that then?" My only response was to tell him to "shut up". Not an okay question to ask.



6/12/2013 We had our 20 week check up with Dr Lunt today as well as our ultrasound prior. At the ultrasound, the little guy was hiding as far down and tucked in the corner as he could. I had drank 32 ounces of iced tea about an hour before we went to the appointment. Apparently my bladder was not very full. I was pretty surprised about that. She got all the images that she needed and he is measuring at 20 weeks and 5 days. Dr Lunt is keeping me at Oct 30th due date. I asked if he was sure he wanted to do that, he said yeah he was sure. Barbara (the u/s tech) asked if I was drinking enough fluid. I told her yes. Thinking about it, I am drinking tons more than I was at this point last year. I was hardly drinking anything last year. Maybe a soda a day if that. I am drinking 64 ounces or more now. She said my fluid was low. I wasn't surprised, but then again I was a little. I have low fluid, but never this early in my pregnancy. She said I was measuring a 9. I should be between a 10 and 20. If I am already low at 20 weeks I can only imagine how great it's going to be at 30 weeks +. She went on to tell me to stay in and stay cool. The fluid is what regulates the baby's temperature. With low fluid, the baby's temp can get too warm. No heavy lifting or exertion. Also, the hardest for me, no more motorcycle riding. That I was bummed about. I thought it might come in September, but not nearly this soon. I canceled our Thunder on the Mountain run and we decided not to take the bikes to San Diego over Labor Day. My biking days are done until at least December. Not gonna lie, it hit me and I cried. My riding was not supposed to be over until October maybe September at the earliest.
** continued from 6/13/2013 Today I am feeling much better. I drank 160oz of fluid yesterday. I am at 48oz already today. I made the choice to have the baby and I will deal with EVERYTHING that comes with it. I will have a lot more time for motorcycle riding in the future. Here is to a healthy pregnancy here on out.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Birthday Bash 2013

Since Sharon, Paul, Q and I all have birthday's in June, we decided to have a big birthday bash party at Sharon and Dom's. We really just wanted a reason to all get together and have a good time. We BBQed, made drinks and played in the pool. It was a great time. 

White whale comin in.... prego and swimmin.

Love this pic of Robyn. I was just puttin Chloe to sleep. 

I am "THIS BIG!"

Funny Shirt


Our Cake

Sleepy Chloe

Sissy Foo Foo drink

The girls were in the pool the entire time we were there. They got out long enough to eat and then they were back in . 

Dom took Chloe swimmin for her first time. 


Friday, June 7, 2013

Bitty Baby Boy

We had movie night tonight and this baby fell asleep 10 minutes into the movie. I went over and picked him up and laid him on my chest. I love those tender moments. They grow so fast. In 4 more months he will no longer be my baby boy. He has the funniest personality and the sweetest spirit. He is so loving and so tender. I love to hear him say "thank you mommy" and "I love you mommy". It melts my heart. I am so glad he is going to have a little buddy to play with and I hope they are best buds. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cousin Time

Carly surprised us by bringing the girls down for a visit. I am lucky enough to work with some awesome girls who let me have the day off to play with the nieces. We had a great morning and afternoon.

We got out the "slippery slide"

We sprayed the trampoline. 

Then we went and got lunch and snowies. Then I got a nap :) 
