Sunday, June 23, 2013

22 Weeks Tomorrow

Pregnancy sucks. I know I should love it and embrace it and enjoy every minute. I know there are women out there wishing they could be pregnant and feel the things I am feeling. But the truth is.... I don't. Axel is very low and curled over in the right hip area. Every time I stand up it's like he falls on my bladder and I instantly have to go. The good thing is, he is very active, so that makes the low fluid worry a little less worrisome. None of my pants fit so I use rubber bands and call it good. My shirts are getting to short. Lucky for me, Sharon and I went to Vegas and went shopping. I got  3 new shirts while I was there for my birthday. They were much needed. Q is leaving this Thursday with the guys to go to California. He is excited to go with the guys on the Harley's and hit the coast. With all the work he does around the house and with the kids and for me, he totally deserves a boys get away.

Update on the kids:

Skyler: She is spending part of her summer babysitting and part of it being a kid. It depends on who she is with. She spent last Friday at Brook's house and then all day on Saturday. She loved playing in the pool and enjoying the time being a kid. She does need some help in the "unsissying" department. We need to find a way to toughen her up some. Overall she is a great kid and a good helper.

Jax: She has spent a lot of her summer so far being bored. She has enjoyed the field trips that the daycare offers. I think she misses the challenge of school. She doesn't have that challenge at home and finds ways to get into trouble. She is helpful when she wants to be, but she antagonizes her little brother something fierce.

Beckham: It's just another day at home with dad for him. He has good days and bad days. I think he has the potty thing down. Which is great. Since he filled his potty chart, we went to see Monsters University. I thought it would be a bigger hit. He didn't care much for the theater. He did love seeing the movie though.

Last weekend Mike got arrested for Meth. It had a huge effect on the kids. They have missed seeing him and their normal routine is off. They have had a hard time with just talking to him on the phone. I am really hoping it is a wake up call and he will turn things around and get his crap together. They don't "need" him in their lives with a great man like Q, but they do want him in their lives. He is their dad and he either needs to step up, or step out. This back and forth is really hard on them.


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