Thursday, June 13, 2013


6/12/2013 We had our 20 week check up with Dr Lunt today as well as our ultrasound prior. At the ultrasound, the little guy was hiding as far down and tucked in the corner as he could. I had drank 32 ounces of iced tea about an hour before we went to the appointment. Apparently my bladder was not very full. I was pretty surprised about that. She got all the images that she needed and he is measuring at 20 weeks and 5 days. Dr Lunt is keeping me at Oct 30th due date. I asked if he was sure he wanted to do that, he said yeah he was sure. Barbara (the u/s tech) asked if I was drinking enough fluid. I told her yes. Thinking about it, I am drinking tons more than I was at this point last year. I was hardly drinking anything last year. Maybe a soda a day if that. I am drinking 64 ounces or more now. She said my fluid was low. I wasn't surprised, but then again I was a little. I have low fluid, but never this early in my pregnancy. She said I was measuring a 9. I should be between a 10 and 20. If I am already low at 20 weeks I can only imagine how great it's going to be at 30 weeks +. She went on to tell me to stay in and stay cool. The fluid is what regulates the baby's temperature. With low fluid, the baby's temp can get too warm. No heavy lifting or exertion. Also, the hardest for me, no more motorcycle riding. That I was bummed about. I thought it might come in September, but not nearly this soon. I canceled our Thunder on the Mountain run and we decided not to take the bikes to San Diego over Labor Day. My biking days are done until at least December. Not gonna lie, it hit me and I cried. My riding was not supposed to be over until October maybe September at the earliest.
** continued from 6/13/2013 Today I am feeling much better. I drank 160oz of fluid yesterday. I am at 48oz already today. I made the choice to have the baby and I will deal with EVERYTHING that comes with it. I will have a lot more time for motorcycle riding in the future. Here is to a healthy pregnancy here on out.


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