Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day

What an amazingly fun Memorial Day Weekend. We had lots of friends over, lots of water fun, lots of sunshine, and lots of food. This all led to me wanting lots of sleep!

Pina Colada Popsicle!! YUM

Saturday night we ordered the fights and we all had a great time. 

We got a slip n slide at a yard sale and Q made a pool in the back of his truck.

He enjoyed both!

I love these girls....


This is one project that I REALLY wanted to get done this weekend. With Q's help we have started to make Axel's "section" of the room super cute. I am excited to continue the decorations. 

I also made soup.

Friday, May 24, 2013

17 weeks

Baby Boy Bump

Over all I have been feeling tired. My muscles have been really crampy. My appetite has decreased some. My weight is staying pretty steady, but my belly is growing, so I know all is well. 

Love from Alpine, CA

Grandma Jo, Papa Ron and Aunt Mandi spoiled the youngin's. We got a lovely package in the mail. Axel got a blanket, burp cloths, and a softy snuggle blanket all made by Mandi and Mary Jo. He also got clothes and a diaper bag. Spoiled! The kids each got a shirt and Beckham clung to a Dinosaur he named Rex.

Beckham Update

Ask him and he will tell you he is 5, it's his favorite number. Everything is his favorite - he'll tell you. He likes Disney Junior and loves counting. He watches Tinkerbell because Sissy likes it. He loves to demolish things, and drive his trucks all over. He loves dirt and can find it anywhere. He comes up with some of the funniest things to say. He likes to mop and help with things that are a little to big for him to do. He loves staying home with Daddy Q and helping him work on cars. We are excited for him to be a big brother to Axel and can't wait for them to be best buddies.

Jaxan Update

This toothless beauty is 7 thinking often she is 12 like Skyler. She looks up to Skyler a little too much sometimes. She loves to emulate everything Sky does. I am glad she has such a good role model as a big sister. She is headed into the 2nd grade and she is sad to leave Sandstone. It has been a great school and she has made some wonderful friends. I explained this is a new adventure. She loves to sing and dance and she loves to play pretend. She often thinks she is much "bigger" than she is, like when she uses a whole can of sunblock on herself. We love this sassy little spunk and we are so glad she is in our family.


Skyler Update

Skyler is 12 going on 23. She just finished 6th grade. She is getting very good at the piano, loves to read, gets good grades, loves music, is attached to her iPod, and has a great group of friends. She loves playing night games and throwing the football around with her dad. She loves singing and dancing though we would never encourage her to go out for Americas Got Talent. She is turning into quite the beautiful young woman. Her summer is filled with opportunity to make money by helping tend her little brother. We are so lucky she is part of our family.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

17 weeks

156 lbs and growing
Nothing fits
I love salt, spice and sweet tea.
Cravings : hot dogs, ketchup, Taco bell nachos
Axel doesn't move a whole lot. He's pretty chill.
Can't want for summer to over!

Girl or Boy?

I was planning to have a party to reveal the sex of the baby to Q. I made a ultrasound appointment right after my next ob appointment. It took some amazing bending and twisting and 30 minutes of proding. I have the most amazing u/s tech. She thought she saw something, but she wanted a definite answer. I was so thankful. During the invasive ultrasound, she actually found that I have uterus band syndrome. Nothing to worry about right now, but they will be keeping an eye on it. After toe touches and jumping jacks,  I finally had the answer. I went shopping and got the word out. Then my hormones got a little out of wack and the party was canceled. We went to breakfast with a group of our biker friends. I put a cute little poem at his place at the table announcing - we are having a BOY! Baby Axel Robert Macomber will be joining us in October!

Thursday, May 16, 2013


One of my VERY most favoritest things about our home, is the orchard. We have 6 peach trees, 3 apple trees, a pear tree, a cherry tree, and 3 apricot trees. We also have 2 pomegranate bushes.  We have tons of fruit. I am SO excited. I hope I feel well enough to put it to good use.
My garden is looking a little better. One of my tomato plants is getting new leaves. The pepper plants still look sick. The onions, sunflowers, and peas are looking great, as are the radishes. I have a few beans and a few beets coming up. The squash and pumpkins are doing okay. Still haven't seen any cucumbers or melon.
It is hard to say if things will get much of any better. I am hoping that as it is warming up that they will start looking better and producing something.



I know a secret!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Garden Hope

So, I was talking to Shakelle at work today. She said she planted her garden the first part of March. She started with starts, not seeds. Her garden was of little hope 2 weeks ago. She said over the last two weeks everything has peeked right up. There is still hope. Come on garden!!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Garden Blues

Well, I am happy to say that my garden is not the only one that is not doing well. Dick, our neighbor that has been a farmer for years has lost his tomato plants and none of his beans have come up. My tomatoes and peppers aren't doing well. I only have 5 bean plants that have come up. I am kinda bummed. I planted this HUGE garden with high expectations. I know the soil is good. Dick is as stumped as I am as to why things just aren't growing this year. The weather has been a little weird. 2 weeks ago it was cold and windy and rainy and today it was 105. I have made sure that my water is soaked daily. I hope to start seeing some improvement.


Home Again.... Mothers Day.... Grandma Braley

It felt so great to be home again! My mothers day was spent in the car for 6.5 hours. Went by Sharon's mom's grave and thanked her for giving me such a great friend in my life and dropped off some flowers to her. I got peed on by Becks at the gas station. No matter how much I complain... I love these little stinks! They are such a blessing and the fact that I get to be called mom is the greatest title and blessing I could have given. 

Today was our down time from our vacation. It was also the day Grandma Braley went into Red Cliffs. We spent our day at Grandma Sharon's house helping move things. It was a long day. I think I did too much because I started to cramp pretty bad. Grandma adjusted really well and was not sad at all that she was there. She kept thanking everyone for taking her things in and making it look like home. She didn't know what was going on. It was great to see how well she adjusted. We took Sharon to dinner and gave her time to relax. I plan on going over and seeing her for a few minutes after work tomorrow. 


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 5 Alpine Relaxation

Saturday morning we woke up late. It was wonderful. We had some breakfast and Ron and Mary Jo ran to a rummage sale at the church. Q and I ran a few errands. When we came back we found this party going on out on the porch. 

Love this picture. Jaxan's shocked face as Becks is laughing because he peed in the bucket. 

Our loot. 

Putting in a door to the attic. 
