Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Girl or Boy?

I was planning to have a party to reveal the sex of the baby to Q. I made a ultrasound appointment right after my next ob appointment. It took some amazing bending and twisting and 30 minutes of proding. I have the most amazing u/s tech. She thought she saw something, but she wanted a definite answer. I was so thankful. During the invasive ultrasound, she actually found that I have uterus band syndrome. Nothing to worry about right now, but they will be keeping an eye on it. After toe touches and jumping jacks,  I finally had the answer. I went shopping and got the word out. Then my hormones got a little out of wack and the party was canceled. We went to breakfast with a group of our biker friends. I put a cute little poem at his place at the table announcing - we are having a BOY! Baby Axel Robert Macomber will be joining us in October!

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