Thursday, May 16, 2013


One of my VERY most favoritest things about our home, is the orchard. We have 6 peach trees, 3 apple trees, a pear tree, a cherry tree, and 3 apricot trees. We also have 2 pomegranate bushes.  We have tons of fruit. I am SO excited. I hope I feel well enough to put it to good use.
My garden is looking a little better. One of my tomato plants is getting new leaves. The pepper plants still look sick. The onions, sunflowers, and peas are looking great, as are the radishes. I have a few beans and a few beets coming up. The squash and pumpkins are doing okay. Still haven't seen any cucumbers or melon.
It is hard to say if things will get much of any better. I am hoping that as it is warming up that they will start looking better and producing something.


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