Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bombs vs Guns

So, due to conflict of interest, I refuse to put my political views on Facebook. Its not someone's choice to read my status if it comes across their page. But - if you choose to come to my page you choose to read my views. So, on that no note...
I am baffled at how in Newtown, CT a man walked into the home of his mother and a school killing innocent people and guns are blamed. Not the man behind the gun. Yet, in Boston -months later- 2 men use bombs killing 4 and injuring hundreds and bombs aren't blamed, the people are. There seems to be a double standard when it comes to blaming terrorists vs blaming guns. If a terrorists brings a gun and kills a bunch of people or even one person, the terrorist is blade. If an American does the same thing, guns are blamed. I am baffled why this is. Why are there gun laws but not pressure cooker laws. Why do people think that making more strict gun laws will stop the "bad guys". Since when do criminals follow the law? If we start to take away anything that could hurt someone we would all live like we were in prison, and even that doesn't work. I am completely for having guns and gun rights. I feel like I should have the right to protect my family. If someone is going to harm them or try and harm them I should have the right to defend them and myself. Why is that right being taken? I will never understand how it would be okay for me build a bomb in my home but not own an AK 47.

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