Monday, September 30, 2013

23 Days

Today is one of the most painful days yet. Maybe it's because I did go ahead and take the harley for a spin yesterday. My feet and legs both hurt so bad today along with that same spot on the right side of my rib cage. I have accomplished nothing since I can't stand for very long. Ok - I take that back. I have got laundry done and Becks packed for Idaho. Becks had cereal, cheese and caramel popcorn, and half an apple to eat. Mother of the year award, I think so. At least it wasn't pop and chips. Tomorrow is my scrubbing and cleaning day. Though I will have to vacuum the window seal in the kitchen today. We have had so many flies in the house it's like a graveyard up there. I killed about 15 this morning. Everyone has said that there are more flies this year than they have ever seen. I may have to do the diesel fuel trick and see if it will work for the garage and the house. I am loving that it is 65 in the house most of the day. This house is amazingly insulated. If only we had more windows that opened with screens. I would like to open up the downstairs too, but the screens are all off the windows down there. Not sure why, but it was that way when we moved in.


Sunday, September 29, 2013


24 days to go. This I am thankful. Though..... yesterday was a bit of a challenge. After walking the parade route for Santa Clara Swiss Days and then doing a bit more walking, I started to have some pretty strong cramping and some consistent contractions. I ended up at labor and delivery. My contractions were 3-5 minutes apart but I was not dilating at all. So they watched me to see if I progressed and with no progression I left. I begged Dr Lunt and the nurses for it to be the day, but no avail. Bittersweet. Axel still needs some time to grow, but my land the pain is bad. I am ready for that part of it to be over.
From here on out I am taking it easy. I wanted to go on a ride to Beaver Dam with the guys today, and Q told me I could take the bike. I know that it would just engage more pain, so I forfeit. I'll do laundry instead.

We were in the Santa Clara parade yesterday (hence why I walked the route). The kids had a good time. Mike was down so they went with him for the rest of the weekend. Becks is going to go up with him to Idaho for a couple weeks. I will miss him, but the break will be nice. It will be easier to take it easy too.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

28 Days

Well it was sure to happen. Today was the day. Out of the entire 9 months I lasted this long. And today the breakdown came. I bawled over everything. Beckham pushed every button he could. I ended up spanking him and then ended up locking him in his room. I was ready to run away from home. Hearing "I can't" and "No" and "I don't want to". After putting up with so much I have been exhausted. Today I was pushed to the limit. I just couldn't take one more moment. I am no longer so excited to get Axel out. I think that Beckham is going to have an even harder time minding at that time. I am not sure I am going to have the strength to deal with it. I am ready to go back to work....


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

29 Days Left

One day closer.... 29 days to go. Today I went and got the final few things I needed to get before baby comes. I just wanted to make sure it was all ready. Now I don't think we are missing anything. Well, I say that now, but I am sure something will come up.
The neuritis on my right rib cage / stomach area is still so sore. It seems to be getting worse. I wish I could just numb it. Even the Lidoderm patches aren't strong enough to numb it. Fatigue has really set in too. I could seriously sleep all day long.
Well not long now.... better plan some fun things to do in the next 29 days.


Monday, September 23, 2013

30 Days

Today marks my one month countdown until Axel is here!

Fight Night and Cedar Ride

UFC 164 was on with a great main event. We decided to have a get together at our place. Q set up a TV in the garage. The house was quiet. Once everyone was greeted and I took a few pics, I went to bed.
I had sewn on 6 sets of patches and was exhausted!! Jones won BYU lost.... it was exactly as I expected, but not as I had hoped.

Sunday we all met up for a ride to Cedar to see where Austin had been shot. It has been a little over 5 weeks. After hearing the story, he is a walking miracle. It's amazing how well he is doing and how much positive strength he has. We had a run in with the cops while we were up there. Old people scared of the motorcyclists. It's all good. The cops were cool with us. One of them had been first on the scene with Austin. The other one told us that the shooter had come in scared that Banditos were after him. He had filed a big report. Apparently the guy is a total skitzo, hope that doesn't effect Austin's case against him. The shooter had also gone up to Duck Creek and warned the people there that there were biker gangs coming and they needed to protect themselves and keep their women and children safe. Seriously insane. It was a hallowed feeling standing where the scene took place. I have said it a lot and I'll say it again. I am just SO glad we were there WITH Austin instead of there REMEMBERING Austin. 


Friday, September 20, 2013

Epic Fail at Homemaker of the Year

If it's not one thing it's another. I swear. I forgot to cancel our reservation for this weekend at Ruby's Inn. I know I know, me forget something, unheard of. BUT it was a pretty big deal. Lucky for us, the card Q reserved it on was canceled a few months ago. WHEW! Otherwise they would have charged us $45 bucks, just because it's not 48 hours in advance. Grrrr. So that was one major mess up. Then last night I didn't double check the chickens. I have been but last night I was lazy. Mac has been going out and putting them away at night. Well, he didn't last night, and I didn't check. This morning Mac came in and said all but two of the chickens had been killed. I went out to the orchard and there were only 4 chickens to be found. They were all dead and ripped apart. He said the door was shut when he went out this morning. I am thinking it was blown shut by the wind yesterday. So the chickens were locked out of the coop. I have to think it was a group of racoons, foxes, or coyotes. Could have been dogs, but I don't think dogs would have eaten them. All but one had been eaten and the rest had been torn apart or were unaccounted for. Last night I didn't open the door or window. I think Sabaka would have heard something and scared it away. So, now we are chickenless and I am not sure if Q is going to want to put the effort into more chickens when I don't go check on them at night.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Austin Sharp

On August 15th Austin was riding his bike in Cedar. Another motorcyclist was being chased by the cops. He flipped a u-turn, went after Austin and shot at him over 6 times. 2 of the bullets hit Austin and he laid his bike over going 70 MPH. Minimal damage was done to his bike but his life was touch and go. Saturday after the accident a huge group of street bikes and cruisers rode to the hospital and rev'd their engines as they drove by. They all parked at Coral Desert and had a moment of silence for Austin, raising helmets, hats or hands.

Immediately Q, Sharon and I jumped in with what we could do to help. I got in touch with Austin's best friend Scott and Rodney. We started to put together events. Mini runs were planned, bake sales, a night at the one and only and a HUGE party poker run on October 5th. 

September 6th The One and Only hosted a night for Austin. This was his first night out with everyone.  

I was lucky enough to be released and able to ride!! Fluid at 20 and baby measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule. It felt great to be riding behind Q again. 

The next morning, Saturday the 7th, The Motorsports Shoppe and Cafe hosted a mini run. We met for breakfast and then took off to Gunlock. We had a bike go down on one of the turns. Lucky for us and him there was minimal damage, but the bike was not able to be ridden. We all went back to the cafe for lunch and a wonderful raffle. We had a great time and raised some awesome funds for Austin. 

This was the most amazing part of the run. Throwing away old tradition. Cruisers and street bikes riding side by side. The towns heads were turning on every street we rode on. 
