Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Austin Sharp

On August 15th Austin was riding his bike in Cedar. Another motorcyclist was being chased by the cops. He flipped a u-turn, went after Austin and shot at him over 6 times. 2 of the bullets hit Austin and he laid his bike over going 70 MPH. Minimal damage was done to his bike but his life was touch and go. Saturday after the accident a huge group of street bikes and cruisers rode to the hospital and rev'd their engines as they drove by. They all parked at Coral Desert and had a moment of silence for Austin, raising helmets, hats or hands.

Immediately Q, Sharon and I jumped in with what we could do to help. I got in touch with Austin's best friend Scott and Rodney. We started to put together events. Mini runs were planned, bake sales, a night at the one and only and a HUGE party poker run on October 5th. 

September 6th The One and Only hosted a night for Austin. This was his first night out with everyone.  

I was lucky enough to be released and able to ride!! Fluid at 20 and baby measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule. It felt great to be riding behind Q again. 

The next morning, Saturday the 7th, The Motorsports Shoppe and Cafe hosted a mini run. We met for breakfast and then took off to Gunlock. We had a bike go down on one of the turns. Lucky for us and him there was minimal damage, but the bike was not able to be ridden. We all went back to the cafe for lunch and a wonderful raffle. We had a great time and raised some awesome funds for Austin. 

This was the most amazing part of the run. Throwing away old tradition. Cruisers and street bikes riding side by side. The towns heads were turning on every street we rode on. 


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