Friday, September 20, 2013

Epic Fail at Homemaker of the Year

If it's not one thing it's another. I swear. I forgot to cancel our reservation for this weekend at Ruby's Inn. I know I know, me forget something, unheard of. BUT it was a pretty big deal. Lucky for us, the card Q reserved it on was canceled a few months ago. WHEW! Otherwise they would have charged us $45 bucks, just because it's not 48 hours in advance. Grrrr. So that was one major mess up. Then last night I didn't double check the chickens. I have been but last night I was lazy. Mac has been going out and putting them away at night. Well, he didn't last night, and I didn't check. This morning Mac came in and said all but two of the chickens had been killed. I went out to the orchard and there were only 4 chickens to be found. They were all dead and ripped apart. He said the door was shut when he went out this morning. I am thinking it was blown shut by the wind yesterday. So the chickens were locked out of the coop. I have to think it was a group of racoons, foxes, or coyotes. Could have been dogs, but I don't think dogs would have eaten them. All but one had been eaten and the rest had been torn apart or were unaccounted for. Last night I didn't open the door or window. I think Sabaka would have heard something and scared it away. So, now we are chickenless and I am not sure if Q is going to want to put the effort into more chickens when I don't go check on them at night.


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