Friday, September 6, 2013

32 weeks or 34 weeks?

Wednesday I had a doctors appointment.The last 2 appointments I have measured a week ahead. I thought nothing of it. Wednesday I measured 31 weeks. The worry of low fluid set in and Lisa calmed my fears by ordering an ultrasound. She asked how things had been going and I told her well until my San Diego trip. I told her about the contractions anytime I get up and walk or do anything. She worried I might have an infection. She took a swab and offered another test for preterm labor. I declined the preterm labor test. The swab came back positive for infection. She called in meds for me and I got the ultrasound scheduled.

Yesterday I went in for the ultrasound. Good news the fluid is at a 20!!! That is AMAZING for me. I have never seen such good fluid levels. Odd news, baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead. My abdomen measured 31 weeks and baby measured 34 weeks. Pretty much baby can come anytime he sees fit. I have my worries about going into labor. Mostly the fear of the unknown as I have never experienced it before. I have a great support team and I am ready to be "un" pregnant so anytime he wants to come I am okay with it.


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