Sunday, September 29, 2013


24 days to go. This I am thankful. Though..... yesterday was a bit of a challenge. After walking the parade route for Santa Clara Swiss Days and then doing a bit more walking, I started to have some pretty strong cramping and some consistent contractions. I ended up at labor and delivery. My contractions were 3-5 minutes apart but I was not dilating at all. So they watched me to see if I progressed and with no progression I left. I begged Dr Lunt and the nurses for it to be the day, but no avail. Bittersweet. Axel still needs some time to grow, but my land the pain is bad. I am ready for that part of it to be over.
From here on out I am taking it easy. I wanted to go on a ride to Beaver Dam with the guys today, and Q told me I could take the bike. I know that it would just engage more pain, so I forfeit. I'll do laundry instead.

We were in the Santa Clara parade yesterday (hence why I walked the route). The kids had a good time. Mike was down so they went with him for the rest of the weekend. Becks is going to go up with him to Idaho for a couple weeks. I will miss him, but the break will be nice. It will be easier to take it easy too.


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