Friday, July 27, 2012

24th of July

So these have nothing to do with the 24th, but aren't they so cute? The two little kitties make perfect playmates for each other and snuggle bugs for Sabaka. I think we finally found our perfect pets.

On the 24th we woke up and had breakfast as a family. Q made his famous french toast and bacon. Sky loves the french toast and we all love the bacon. We then went down and watched the parade right after an awesome rainstorm. There were a lot of people who backed out of the park festivities. Q had to go to work and I took the kids home for some quiet time. After Becks woke up my mom came over and we went to the WCCC. Their pool was closed due to lightening. So we went to Sand Hollow. The kids had a great time. 

We went home and I fixed pork chops and mormon potatoes. I also made a delicious chocolate trifle with brownies in it. Oh it was so stinking good! Sky left to watch the fireworks with her mom and we put the little ones to bed. It was a relaxing holiday.


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