Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July

The 4th of July fell on a Wednesday this year. Skyler came to stay with us Monday, Tuesday and most of Wednesday. We woke up early Wednesday morning to head to Hurricane for their 4th of July parade. Skyler was riding in it. They honored the kids that passed off the give me liberty award.

We walked down to the end of the parade route and sat and watched the parade. The two little ones loved standing and getting candy.  This was my favorite entry :

After the parade we went down to the community center. There were lots of games and things for the kids to do. The girls did a boot camp course. Beckham stayed with Q and I and watched while splashing in the water.

The girls then went and played on the jumpy slide. They had a very fun time going around and around. Then we went into the fine arts building to watch Skyler's say the Gettysburg Address.

Here is Skyler with her award for passing off Give Me Liberty.

Here is Skyler reciting the Gettysburg Address. She nailed it!

After the program we were going to meet my mom and the gang at the Washington rec center. Becks and Jax both needed naps and Skyler wanted to go with her mom so we went home. We put the kids down and we took naps too. We went over to my mom's about 5 for dinner. The kids all had fun playing out in the gutter.  Jessie kept Becks very entertained and the girls had a blast climbing trees. It is so mind blowing to see Jessica as a college girl. I remember her being about 1 1/2 when they first moved to St George. I remember Josh screaming if anyone other than me held him when we were babysitting him. These sweet kids are growing up too fast. Danielle is expecting her first baby and Britt is expecting her 3rd. I can hardly believe it. I am glad they are just getting older and I'm not. :)

Teddy and Josh on their way to see the fireworks. Teddy and Ratty didn't get along so well so Josh was always keeping Teddy company downstairs at mom's house. Q and I took Becks home and we crawled into bed. We watched the Macy's 4th of July Spectacular on TV and fell asleep before the fireworks even went off in town. Lame? Yeah we kinda are.

Thursday I went over and fixed dinner after work. Mom had kept the kids all day since daycare was closed.
Rachel and Jaxan built a great fort that ended up being demoed after Lyn and Cretia ended up having to get behind it for the VHS to DVD recorder. Jaxan stayed over and had a sleep over with Rachel Thursday night.

The kids all played so well together. It was great to be able to talk with the grown ups. Beckham is really starting to learn that if he doesn't mind then there are consequences.

Friday my mom kept Jaxan all day so her and Rachel could play. They went to the Brigham Young home and Jacob Hamblin together and Jessie went with Lyn to the shooting range. We met up at the Washington Rec Center. Skyler's mom brought her in and she met up with us there too. The girls all had so much fun. I wish I would have brought my camera because Beckham was having so much fun swimming. He usually plays a little and then doesn't do much more. He gets out and is done playing. Though this time he played nearly the whole time going under and everything.

Tomorrow we are going rock climbing in the morning and then who knows what the day holds....


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