Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma Brailey

This all happened back in May but I came across the pictures and realized I didn't post them.
Sharon had a surprise party for Grandma Brailey's Birthday May 18th. We all met in the studio and Sharon brought out Grandma. She was so surprised to see us all there. It was great!

Look at that smile! Does it get any better? She smiled the whole time we were all there.

Grandma surrounded by her family!

After the party we took all the kids and went out to Sand Hollow for one of the worst camping trips EVER! I think Q and I bit off more than we could chew that weekend and we should have just pushed camping aside, but we didn't. The problem was that we weren't prepared and that made it frustrating. So when the kids started asking questions and complaining and whining it got even more on our nerves than normal.

They didn't like dinner....

I did let the girls have a silly string fight, but Sky got some in her mouth and though she would get sick from toxins. Jaxan sprayed everything around the camp site and then didn't want to clean it up.

Beckham and Sabaka passed out. They are best buddies.

Alpine joined the two boys.

Morning fishing... the kids were so bored - that is until Beckham discovered the worms.

He ripped them in half and threw them.

The girls enjoyed the 4 wheeler and Becks enjoyed a nap at home. Lets just say I learned a lot and we have not gone camping with the kids again unprepared!

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