Sunday, July 8, 2012

Otter Creek

As mentioned in a previous post, we bought a new truck. Well, new to us. It's a 1996 Chevy. Q has been looking for a killer deal on a truck that would get good gas mileage but still seat us all. He found this one listed on craigslist for $2300. He talked them down to $1500. KILLER DEAL! We were so excited. We thought it would take some time and money to get it up and going. After our ride to Springdale he took it to the shop and he worked on it. He ended up fixing a lot of the things he thought would take some time. We still need to replace the fuel pump, but it's still under warranty, so it won't cost us anything but time for him to put it in. Travis has been gracious enough to let us use the shop and his tools there. 
After he got the a/c, brake light fuse, and tires fixed we decided that instead of taking the explorer on our fishing trip we would try out the truck. So we headed for an adventure at Otter Creek.

We woke up at 4 am and got on the road by 5. We didn't get to lake and on the water until about 8:30. I had to make and emergency run to Anamoney. By the time we got out on the water we only caught 3 fish. One got it's picture taken. The first fish broke the line at the hook, Q had caught it. The second one was HUGE. I would guess it was over 20 inches and probably 3-4 pounds. The line snapped at the snell not that time. I got a little one and that was the last one caught. The water was like glass. The only down fall was that there were tons and tons of bugs. 

We didn't want to leave Sabaka home so we brought him with us. Doesn't he look happy?

Isn't this view gorgeous? The water was amazing.

Sabaka needed a drink so we had to tip the boat so he could get one.

Day 2 after the assault. Poor little Bockers.

Here he is - The Duke, John Wayne himself. We stopped to let Sabaka swim in the creek a little bit.

Seriously gorgeous! I sometimes wonder why I live in the city and the desert for as much as I love the mountains and greenery. 

Sabaka had a blast playing in the water. We had a great drive home. The truck drives like a champ. Once the fuel pump is replaced I think it will be even better!


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