Monday, July 23, 2012

Thunder On The Mountain 2012

Friday night the 20th of July I worked until noon. Once Q got off work we packed the bike up and headed up the mountain to Brian Head. We got checked into our condo and Q started having some trouble breathing. 

We unpacked, took off our leathers, and went to Casa De Amigo. Yep that's right. Our favorite Springdale hangout has one in Brian Head. It was not nearly as good as the one in Springdale, but the chips and salsa were super yummy. There is just something about the way they grill the carne asada that makes it amazing.
After we got done eating we went over to the bar at the Cedar Breaks Lodge where everyone was hanging out that night. It was great. Loud classic rock music, drinks, and friends - seriously amazing. 

The next morning we got up and got ready to spend the day on the bike. Q was having chest pain all night and some trouble breathing. He thought it might be the altitude, but I knew it was something I was going to keep my eye on for the day. 

We went over to the Cedar Breaks Lodge. It was right across from where we stayed. We were meeting up with Dom, Sharon, and Jon to ride up to breakfast. 

I went up to take some pictures of the area, and when I was coming back down this is what I saw. Q was in a lot of pain with his chest and breathing. I felt so bad. 

Over 350 bikers. It was so awesome. We went up to breakfast and got registered. 

Then it was time to hit the road! It was amazing hearing all the bikes start up at once and head out on the open road. There were a lot of clicks from Vegas, but we hung out with our St George friends.

The views were breath taking. Honestly some of the most amazing country. We need to get up there more.

First stop! And by this time Q was not doing well at all. He was really struggling with breathing and having a ton of pain in his chest. We were going to call 911 but he said not to. On the way to stop and get gas at Duck Creek he was holding his chest and struggling to breathe. We pulled into Duck Creek Village and I had him stop in front of a cafe where a girl was outside having a smoke break. I hopped off the bike and went and asked her if there was an EMT or Firefighter in the area. She said yeah, there was one in the cafe at that time. I went in and told him that I would like him to come take Q's b/p and o2 stats. He said he didn't have any equipment to do it, but he could call 911. I consented and his wife called. I talked to dispatch and let them know his history and what was going on. 

This is Cindy and Andy talking with Q while we were waiting for the ambulance. Once it got there they hooked him up to o2, did a breathing treatment, got his b/p and other stats, and did an EKG. Lucky for us nothing was going on with his heart. His rhythm was normal and his b/p was great. He was a little tachycardic but I blame that on his o2 level. While he had the o2 on he was fine. He could keep his stats anywhere from 98 to 100. When they would take the o2 off his stats would fall to 90-92. They wanted him to ride to Panguitch in the ambulance, but he declined. We figured we would refill his inhaler when we got down there. 

We were supposed to go to Bryce Canyon (picture below) for the 3rd stop. We decided to bypass it and catch up to everyone else in Panguitch for lunch. They let us do two draws at the 4th stop. That was very nice of them. 

We called to see if we could refill his inhaler as we were having lunch. His refills had expired. So I called in a favor from Cortney and she saved the day. Q did not want to go home, or stay in Cedar. So we finished out the ride. 

We stopped to take the above pictures as Cedar Breaks. The rest of the gang didn't see us stop. They went on ahead. When we came around the corner to go down to Brian Head Sharon was waiting by the sign. As we were on the wet gravel I got a little scared because Q tired to stop it and we started to fish tail a bit. Come to find out Sharon had just laid her bike down minutes before we got there. 

We went and got our last number and then decided to go back and have a nap before dinner. It poured and poured while we were napping. It was so nice to rest and relax and not have to worry about anything. We went down to the BBQ about 5 and met up with Dom, Sharon, and Jon. We had an amazing dinner. Then we did bike games. Q and Dom did the slow race. Then Q and I did the weenie bite. It was my first time and I had no idea how to do it, but we had a blast. 

That night instead of going to partying with everyone at the bar Dom and Sharon went back to their room, and we went back to ours. We listened to it rain and had a fire. We watched movies and just enjoyed the last night in the condo. The air was great and it was so nice to just be up in the mountains together as best friends. 

The next morning we got up and had coffee and cold nachos together. We got ready to hit the road. My body was feeling the pain of spending a day and a half on the bike. 

Q was so good about stopping when I would want to take pictures.... like this one, at Zion. 

And this one of Cedar Breaks from the bottom up.

And these of the landslide....

We stopped for brunch at The All American Diner in Cedar. It was great. We tried to prolong going back to reality and the heat as long as we could. It was so much better for Qs breathing through. We had an amazing weekend can't wait for 2013!


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